Dinokeng Game Reserve

Gauteng’s only free-roaming Big 5 game reserve within a short distance from the major urban centres.

The Dinokeng Game Reserve is the only free-roaming Big 5 game reserve in Gauteng. It was officially opened on 22 September 2011, after the introduction of four of the Big 5. 

The last of the Big 5, the buffalo, was introduced in late 2012.

To experience the Big 5, plains game and bird life in this malaria free environment we offer three options: 

1. Şelf-drive there are over 140 km of roads to choose from and more if you have a 4×4 vehicle. You can enjoy nature at your own pace and with your own style and interests in mind.  Self-drive permits can be obtained at the Wilderness Way gate, or through selected major lodges.

2. Various Game Drive operators on open safari vehicle with experienced field guides

3. Bush walks with specialist armed guide.  Walks should be booked with specialist providers, normally with a minimum of 4 visitors.

The most difficult Big Five animal to see is the leopard, whilst the square-lipped (white) rhinoceros is probably the most frequently encountered. There are healthy populations of elephants, buffalo and lions. 

The reserve has had remarkable success with cheetahs adapted to the atypical habitat and bred extremely well.  Other large mammals that are regularly seen include giraffe, plains (Burchell’s) zebra, blue wildebeest, red hartebeest, black-backed jackal and spotted hyena.  Small mammals include scrub hare, banded mongoose, slender mongoose, yellow mongoose and small-spotted genet.  

The reserve is also receiving growing acclaim as an ideal birding destination with at least 378 species recorded.  The rarest of these was the Eurasian Bittern, recorded on 10th of January, 2022, but other unique species for Gauteng have included White-backed Night Heron, African Pygmy Goose, Lesser Moorhen and Allen’s Gallinule.  More easily found and typical bird species include the Water Thick-knee, the White-browed Sparrow-Weaver and the Lilac-breasted Roller.

The Dinokeng Game Reserve offers a wide variety of accommodation and incorporates game lodges, self-catering bush lodges and tented camps. 

Come stay and play in the Dinokeng Game Reserve for a tantalizing taste of the African bushveld night time adventures as flames dance across a flickering open fire whilst you listen to the mighty the roar of lions, the cackle of hyenas and the distinctive nostalgic call of the Fiery-necked Nightjar.

Wake in the morning to a spectacular sunrise, the dawn chorus of dozens of hornbills and babblers and the regal alarm of the African outdoors from the inimitable African Fish Eagle. There is magic awaiting on every bend as the magnificience of nature unfolds.

Bookings can be made at our information office, selected lodges and at the entrance gates to the DGR.

Contact Us

Bontle Khoza

Tel: 010 300 6534

Email: info@dinokengreserve.co.za

Website: www.dinokengreserve.co.za
