How empty and unimportant then, was Dr. B1andeislers objection that Christs religion was at that time unknown, although his disciples accepted His higher wisdom. My maid-servants caught me by the hand and led me to the window which opened on to the court of the tribunal. Jerusalem, 27th March, 4l47th year, according to Hebrew reckoning, 4037th year, according to English reckoning, after the creation.. I was born on the self-same day that the Emperor gave peace to the Roman world. One of the Roman centurions was insulted, so I requested the Prefect of Syria to send me directly one hundred infantry and as many cavalry, but he refused to send me these troops. Furthermore, it becomes clear that Pilate and the authorities had a knowledge of Jesus teaching, but undertook no step to prohibit it so long as the Jews, the Herodian followers, and the Sadducees did not have Him arrested and did not force the governor to sentence Him. He showed Himself worthy. Resurrection Accounts Resurrection of Christ, Thus says the LORD, Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me . In the seventeenth year of the government of the invincible monarch, the Caesar and Roman Emperor Tiberius, 201 years after the Olympiads; in the beginning of the five thousandth year after the creation, in the 4147th year according to the Hebrew calendar, and 4037th year, according to the English reckoning, and 784 years since the foundation of Rome, 580 years since the liberation from Egyptian slavery: At the time of the great men of the Roman nation : Lucius, Suetonius, and Marcellinus, and the administrator Hilaretes Palister, at the time of the Governor-General over Judea, Comus Flavius, and at the time of the Governor of Jerusalem, the mighty and great prince Pontius Pilatus, and at the time of the procurator over Galilee, Herodes Anitpater, and at the time of the great Archpriests Ananias and Caiaphas, Aliasus and Mailus, the elder of the Temple Raban, and Amabelus, at the times of great judges in the town town of Jesruslem: Simbinakasas, Pompilius, Rufus, and the municipal commander Joctenus : I, Pontius Pilatus, procurator of the Roman Emperor, in the hall of the great princes, do pronounce and confirm the sentence of death on the cross to be inflicted on the man called by the people Jesus Christ, the Nazarene, a rebel against Moses Laws and against His Majesty the Roman Emperor Tiberius. Here is what the chronicle of Nikophorus Kallista, in the 2nd volume, chap. Lives of the Saints /. Young man I answered Him feebly, you force me to change my request into an order. His glance is majestic and inspires a feeling of reverence, love, and fear in all those who look upon Him. At this time one of my maid-servants, a Jewess by birth, came to my room; pale, desperate and with frightened eyes she cried: Doomsday has arrived. The whole indomitable sea of heads stretched from the gates of the Practoriun to Mount Zion; such shouting and whistling as had never been heard in Roman history. Oh, believe me, that a single drop of this blood may be your damnation for all eternity. The nger of death had left its traces round her eyes and her concealed lips. rst days of my life, which so quickly passed by in the stillness of Nabron under the roof of my parents and under their protection. Alone the steps, drops of blood the Nazarene had spilt were to be seen. Additional information about Pilates wife can be found outside of the Bible. I went into the great hall. Claudia came from the Flavius family, related to emperors According to what history shows us, the ruling religion has not always had pure truth as a foundation, and in all times it was subject to errors. Is there more information on Pontius Pilate's wife, Claudia, besides her dream and the fact that she told Pilate not to sentence Jesus to death? Beginning in the late fourth, or early fifth century, she is known as Claudia Procula. I decide and order his death by crucifixion, together with others, in the manner applied to those people who are sentenced to death, be they of rich or poor standing, because he continuously caused uproar by his detrimental behaviour in Judas ; further, he called himself the Son of God, and King of Jerusalem, and threatened the Holy Temple and Jerusalem with destruction ; he refused to pay taxes to the Emperor and ventured to enter Jerusalem with leaves of date-palms and a retinue of people, like a king who enters Jerusalem and the Holy Temple. When this heavenly judgment took place and attracted the attention of the people, He showed them His wounds with which His body was covered, and said with a terrible voice: Give me back my blood which I spilt for you! I, the governor of the revolting province, stood leaning against a column of my palace and reflected upon the terrible step these evil men who dragged the innocent Nazarene to the place of execution were taking. His hands are externally beautiful. Dark clouds descended and covered the wing of the Temple and, stretching over the town, covered it like a shroud. It was the promised reinforcement, consisting of two thousand able troops, who, in order to speed up their arrival had marched the whole night. One would have thought that the end of the world was near or that the universe returned to its original chaos. At 14.30 (1.0. What follow is a summary of what the Bible states and what is available from sources outside the Bible. But where Sayer's wife of Pilate hears different languages and voices; von le Fort's version of the dream has Claudia traveling through time from the catacombs, to a Roman basilica church, to Gothic cathedrals ("the massive halls began to stand upright, as though they hovered weightlessly in the sky, freed from all the laws of stone") in which the choirs sang the words, and then to even more unrecognizable--to her--buildings with "strange draperies". It was written on red stone in Hebrew, and was carefully preserved in an iron box which was placed in another box of marble. The time came to retire; but when I laid my head on the pillow to find sleep, a mysterious force suddenly took possession of my mind. Yet, Jesus returned from death to life and left the tomb anyway (Matt. Seeing the condition of the young man Pilate asked if it was the custom of the high Procula He must cooperate with the Jewish authorities in order to keep the peace and to stay in the good graces of Caesarand she agrees, because her husband must not offend Caesar! (in The Kings Supper). For decades, the daughter of the last Oracle at Delphi has suppressed the secrets of her birth, extensive All these people burned from anger and envy, and it appeared to me that in their faces an infernal re was shining. I have never heard such a noise in the Circus, nor have the rows in the Forum ever given me such an impression. My husband, weary and under compulsion, was forced at last to yield. He had rounded them up with his cavalry, and ordered the leader to be killed and the crowd to be dispersed with pikes, and any whom they m1ght catch to be slain. roared the unhappy and mad people who swarmed round Jesus. shermen from Tiberias were arrested. Pontius rose. but he passed by, saying, He whom we killed was really the Son of God. He lowered his head and said: You saw Jesus of Nazareth, the object of the hatred and contempt of the Pharisees and Sadducees, of the Herodian party, and of the dangerous and proud Levites from the temple. But there are hints as to what we can take away from the actions of Mrs. Pilate. First Apology 48. I also noticed among the ranks of my soldiers, some passing by in sadness; and the ensign-bearer had hidden his head in the flag as a sign of morning. At last, after a sign given by my husband, silence was restored. Pilates wife has been named Procula or Claudia and in the Eastern and Ethiopian Churches she is revered as a saint. She was still more beautiful in the heavenly restfulness which lay upon her but her forehead was of a pale pinkish colour like the rose which had been placed on her. History Today Justin Martyr. Shaking His head in sadness and with a divine grateful smile, Jesus replied: When that day shall arrived, there will be no escape for the Son of Man, even under the earth. Heavy dark and threatening clouds in various shapes scudded over the sky, and lightning came from the colliding clouds, followed by the unreal echo of deep thunder. Last night I saw Him in my dreams. asked Him: It lawful to pay taxes to the Emperor? Tradition adds that Pilate died in Vienne, France on the Rhone or on Mount Pilatus, Switzerland. From the beginning of the proceedings many jurisconsults, who were specially invited to take part in the re-examination of this trial, were present. He suffered under Pontius Pilate. Then Claudia heard a chorus of voices repeating the words of the Apostles Creed: He suffered under Pontius Pilate and crucified, dead, and buried with her husbands name repeated in different languages. Written in the Jerusalem District, the 9th day of the 10th month. At this time the marble steps nearly collapsed under the load of the crowd, and the Nazarene had again been brought to me. When I came to their house, my servants could only with great difficulty force a way for me through the throng, for many mourners and a large crowd had gathered before my friends home. she was yours, but death has removed her, and before she departed she entreated you to follow her to heaven and she sang her little hymn Yes, well gather at He fullled His prophecy and victoriously overcame death; rst He showed Himself to His disciples and friends, and then to the people. After some time I came to love this fertile and rich province which my husband had to rule in the name of Rome, the master of the nations. A certain imposter gathered many Samaritans on the mount Garizzin, with the intention of showing them some vessels which Moses himself had hidden. Claudia He has blasphemed God and predicted the destruction of the Temple. Beating, jeering, the general scorn, and the imminent death as martyrnothing could darken His divine and radiant face. Copyright Like The Master Ministries. 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He is of medium height and of astonishing beauty. I wanted to ask him for more details of the happenings. [5], While he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent him a message, saying, Have nothing to do with that righteous Man; for last night I suffered greatly in a dream because of Him. Matthew 27:19(NASB). Herod smiled ironically, greeted me with affected distinction, and went away. The great holiday of the Hebrews came nearer, and the religious leaders planned to use this opportunity and the peoples excitement which always occurs at the Passover holiday. Of what do you accuse Him? nd no words to appease him and to relieve him from the distress which would be imposed on our house for ever. I replied that in my opinion Jesus was a great philosopher, such as great nations often produce. Following an old custom, the governor used to set free on Easterday a criminal sentenced to death, thus showing an example of mercy and grace. The Samaritans, co-nationals of the men killed, complained about .him to the governor of SyriaVitellius, a brother of the Emperor(as the population of Judea was under the jurisdiction of the former as a higher authority). The New Testament gospel of Luke records that Pilate had heard about Jesus and His miracles before He was brought before Pilate. Resurrection Accounts Resurrection of Christ, Thus says the LORD, Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me . but he passed by, saying, He whom we killed was really the Son of God. What was the Dream of Pilate's Wife? - Catholic365 The hangmen, like butchers, caught Him. My son was ve years old when Pilate, by the Emperors grace, was appointed procurator of Judea. The letter of Pilates wife throws further light upon the events in connection with the death and crucifixion of Jesus Christ and further conrms the authenticity of the Gospels. Oh, what a distressing and lamentable spectacle it was to see the old man cry! The Nazarene replied quietly: O prince of this world, your words do not come from real wisdom. But why do they hate Him so strongly? Pilate was afraid that his authority and the Roman power, which he so stronglv defended, might, be compromised by this menace. At the ninth hour of the day it began to darken in the court, and the fog became thicker and thicker. For the sake of all that is dear to you, and for this chi1ds sake, the token of our holy matrimonial bond, do not make yourself guilty by spilling the blood of this righteous man who is so like the immortal God. She was still more beautiful in the heavenly restfulness which lay upon her but her forehead was of a pale pinkish colour like the rose which had been placed on her. The day of the Passover approached. Throughout the Triduum, however, as we participate in the three greatest days and nights of the Churchs liturgical year, we are professing our belief in the Creed, joining that chorus of voices Sayers and von Le Forts Claudia heard in a dream on GoodFridayin Jerusalem. After some fruitless attempts to save Him from the fury of His fiendish exasperated foes. Along the many affairs which come before me, there was one case awoke my interest to the highest degree. When meditating, through faith you will be able to, nd the path to eternal life. Did the people who crucified Christ go to hell or the Lake of Fire? . 2.80 p.m.), the debate commenced, and the president gave the prosecutor permission to speak. With ever-increasing fury they howled: He shall be crucified. The echo of these vociferations is still in my ears, and the. Annas and Caiphas persuade him that his wifes dream and distress are signs of Jesuss sorcery and Pilate proceeds with the trial. Origen, one of the Greek Fathers of the Church, taught that Procula Claudia became a Christian after the Resurrection because of that dream. He took Semidas hand, and turning His powerful look on her, He said, Maid, arise! My son was. Pilate declared I nd no fault in this man; with what justication then did he order Jesus to be beaten? His disciples announced in the whole province that, according to His prediction, Jesus was resurrected from the dead., There remained for me only the duty of informing my Emperor of this loathful happening. He was a good friends of the Pharisees and had, in Jerusalem, a large political party called Herodeans. Suddenly my eyes grew dim as a sequence to my heavy heart-beats, and I felt as if my life had come to an end. At this time one of my maid-servants, a Jewess by birth, came to my room; pale, desperate and with frightened eyes she cried: These dead foretold the wrath of God.
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