However, Diane confesses she's tired of squinting and breaks down crying, leaving a downed Mr. Peanutbutter to realize their relationship has finally come to an end. Stefani confronts Diane about her issues at GirlCroosh and encourages her to speak out against his pro-fracking views. While working on the case at Guys apartment, they are called by one of Whitewhales assistants telling them to meet with Whitewhale the next day, and to bring their camera, giving Diane hope. BoJack agrees to distract Marcy, but as Hollyhock sneaks into the living room to get the book, to her horror and disgust BoJack and Marcy are having sex behind the couchand BoJack is quizzing Marcy on random, obscure Horsin' Around trivia. Later that day BoJack finds Hollyhock and tells her what he did. She explains that she won't be working on the second season of the show. Despite this, BoJack simply fires Diane. and our After BoJack turns the TV he was watching the interview on, he gets a call from Wanda who asks him to talk to Diane because Hank is the only thing keeping her network afloat, the same network that employs Diane's husband. Diane decides to take the high road and go on the news and rat them out, which Mr. Peanutbutter reluctantly tells her may not be a good idea. Throughout See Mr. Peanutbutter Run, a voice-over of her voicemails to BoJack, who has disappeared, keeping him up to date with everything that is happening. Stefani wants Diane to go the award show to take Vance down and do some "Hollywoo hob-nobbing," and ask BoJack why Vance is going to star on his new showa fact that shocks Diane. When the film shooting is canceled BoJack is shocked when the filming crew begins to laugh at personal details of his life. Diane tries to convince him to come home, but BoJack says he doesn't belong anywhere. They'd then be even and could move onto greener pastures and get married . She also mentions that she knows that BoJack did something to a girl in New Mexico. BoJack then smiles, and agrees, and finally saying "This is nice.". Do They Know Things?? She looks at the building one last time, before waving to BoJack in support as he enters into rehab. Princess Carolyn asks Diane how she's feeling, and she says she feels shitty but that she's glad she did it. As her divorce with Mr. Peanutbutter is being finalized, Diane moves into a crummy studio apartment. She felt bad for crying, but BoJack assures her it's fine, and to not feel bad about feeling bad (quoting the advice that Hollyhock mentioned receiving from one of her fathers). For BoJack, she's 'available' right there as soon as Wanda leaves (and he has no love for Mr Peanutbutter besides). She falls in love with her cameraman, Guy, who shares a connection with her and asks her to move to Chicago. He opens the car door, suggesting if he could just go back home. She storms off to their room, where BoJack is hoarded up with all the alcohol. Perhaps the most real moment on the show, these BoJack Horseman quotes hit hard. Diane asks BoJack to be in her corner because she doesn't have anyone else, and he agrees. BoJack retorts that if she talked to him about his mom dying this wouldn't have happened. And . She wears thin, square glasses, and has light skin and midnight blue hair. She bumps into BoJack during the red carpet and asks him why he has an arm sling. He asks how her day was, and she says it was good, as the black tar engulfs him. So ironically, despite being the most common name in Vietnam, it has no uniform pronunciation. And You Have No Idea., I Need To Go Take A Shower So I Cant Tell If Im Crying Or Not., Why Did You Save Me? Because of this, she's overly-critical about herself and those around her and manages to become infuriated that people do not change as fast as she'd like, while also deeply questioning how she feels and sometimes even believing she's the sole problem. Diane becomes much happier and content after going on her medication, however, she still suffers writer's block. He makes his way into the world of BoJack, and eventually ends up in the crosshairs of Diane. A man sitting next to her tells her to smile, which makes her more upset. He also asks if they gave a newborn horse girl up for adoption seventeen years ago. In Seasons 1-Season 6, Diane wore a green jacket with an orange arrow designed on each end near her abdomen pointing towards her center, a white short-sleeved v-neck undershirt that shows her cleavage and her midriff, blue jeans with a dark grey belt, and black boots that each have two yellow stripes at the top. While she anxiously waits for it to kick in, Alexi's friends bring up how Alexi texted a "cool sexy" girl named Diane and told her to come to the party. Her marriage to Mr. Peanutbutter begins to fall apart, and she reaches out to her friend several times for support. Diane asks if he really wants her to go, to which Mr. Peanutbutter solemnly replies "Why does it suddenly matter what I want?". After the mystery is solved, Diane and BoJack are still curious about the role Cuddlywhiskers played in the fiasco, and elect to figure out where he is, to which BoJack inadvertently reveals that he's in Ojai, California. As they do, they shove into Diane and break her wrist again. Diane. Someone could walk away from BoJack Horseman and believe that the message is, "We're all terrible so therefore we're all okay." Joanna Calo Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter are married on June 13, 2014. Diane returns home, still tripping. However, despite not having anything left in L.A. to keep living there, Diane believes her new boyfriend Guy is the only good thing in her life, and that is too much pressure. If anyone has ever experienced clinical depression, they can likely relate to a lot of moments in the animated series, and this is one of the most notable BoJack Horseman quotes. It's heartbreaking, especially for anyone who has ever been in a similar position. She angrily kicks a cardboard cutout of BoJack, sending a Philbert float into the air. Sex She even says Guy will probably dump her soon anyways because he probably cant take that much more of "the real her." Diane (whose wrist has healed and is no longer in a cast) and Mr. Peanutbutter are actually home and watch them do this. Diane tries to carry him to their room, as the drugs make her think it's a good idea, but they both end up falling over and Diane breaks her left wrist. However, while doing so, he goes on a drug trip that leads to him making revelations about himself. BoJack drives to Dr. Indira's office and asks her why she told Diane to stay away from him. And once again, Gigi Hadid and Leonardo DiCaprio did little to squash dating rumours, as they were spotted attending the same after party at Zero Bond following Monday night's Met Gala in New York . After she writes a fictional middle-grade story about teen detective Ivy Tran, she is concerned this wont connect to as much to people as a personal memoir about her childhood trauma would. BoJack agrees to take her to Marcy's apartment the next morning to meet her, and Hollyhock says after that she'll leave him alone. ", "You Can't Keep Doing S**tty Things, And Then Feel Bad About Yourself", "You're BoJack Horseman. BoJack returns home and misses Hollyhock, so he goes to every woman he slept with, and asks them if he got them pregnant. Katrina, however, believes that they could use Woodchuck's new hands against him, and a DNA look at the fingerprints reveal that his new hands used to belong to Ernest Contralto, a pedophile murder (as in a pedophile that also murders kids). Jennifer Lopez flaunted her sensational legs on Monday when she rocked a purple feathered minidress to promote her new shoe collection with Revolve by posting a video to Instagram. In the series finale "Nice While It Lasted," she reunites with BoJack and tells him about the ominous voicemail he left on her phone where he inadvertently condemned her for leaving Hollywood and not being there to save him. Matt Garofalo After they stop arguing, Diane says, as a metaphor, their marriage is like a magic eye poster, which Mr Peanutbutter says he loves, because it's messy, and at first glance, it doesn't seem to make any sense, and it's hard to figure out but sometimes, if you squint at it just right, everything lines up, and it's the most perfect, beautiful, amazing thing.". Mr. Peanutbutter and Diane are talking on the phone as the former tells Diane all the details about the set of his new show, Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities: What Do They Know? Diane runs into BoJack to tell him shes moving to Chicago, and when its announced Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles are at the door Diane rushes up to the bedroom, with BoJack following questioning her. Diane asks him if he really meant what he said at the Philbert premiere, and before BoJack can answer, she states that she doesn't want Philbert to justify shitty behavior. Diane replies "Sometimes, sometimes lifes a bitch, and then you keep living. ", "Why Can't I Be Happy? Hollyhock is now shown in BoJack's living room reading a magazine, and then in his kitchen eating a Pop-Tart. She walks a fine line between pointing fingers at everyone but herself and blaming herself alone for her stress. As noted by Stefani in The Stopped Show, Diane holds everyone to an impossible standard, including herself. Current Meanwhile, at GirlCroosh, Diane's boss convinces her to take Jessica out for lunch and do an article on how they might be getting a female Governor soon. An early episode of BoJack Horseman Season 5 introduces Vance Waggoner, voiced by Bobby Cannavale, who is a Frankenstein monster of cruel men, someone who spouts sexist and anti-Semitic language at a police officer, violently assaults a woman, and leaves his daughter a threatening voicemail. As revealed in The Stopped Show, she had very few friends with the exception of a girl named Abby, who was really close to her in high school until she was "adopted" by the group of cool kids. Diane writes a new book series, and eventually moves away and marries Guy. Diane goes to talk to BoJack on set. Dianes voice asks why he called because she lives in Chicago now and cant save him. He also reveals to her he is seeing Pickles romantically, but Diane tells him she's happy for him. She also tells BoJack that she doesn't regret marrying Mr. Peanutbutter, because there are people in your life who make you who you are even if they're not in your life forever. BoJack breaks the tension and suggests getting Ethiopian food, which leads to a conversation about how the Ethiopian restaurant has good bread. The two say they love each other, and afterward, Mr. Peanutbutter tells Diane there's a woman in the restaurant he's at that looks just like her, which makes her laugh. In Old Acquaintance, which take solace New Year's Eve 2015, she and Mr. Peanutbutter go to the Labrador Peninsula to spend New Years with his family, and she meets his older brother, Captain Peanutbutter. Her opinionated nature also seems to harm her just as much as her temper, since Diane often exhibits a mild form of social anxiety, and sometimes tends to deeply question how she feels. She pushes herself away, shaking her head no and returns to the car wordlessly. Mr. Peanutbutter soon gets recognized by some fish people from his Sea Horse Milk commercials, and he takes some pictures with them. In other words, we're trained through stories to root for troubled men. stories saying that while she loves the serious stories Diane is covering, she would like some more feel-good stories as well. gemini and scorpio parents gabi wilson net worth 2021 did bojack and sarah lynn sleep together. In Yes And, she is shown to continue lying to Mr. Peanutbutter about being in Cordovia. She offers to be Diane's rock as long as it doesn't conflict with work but leaves to take a work call, leaving Diane alone again. It is even harder to explain when they are very skilled at hiding it, to the point no one has any clue they are suffering. Diane goes inside Mr. Peanutbutter's office, which is filled with ball-pit balls, which Mr. Peanutbutter explains is because he recalled her wishing she had a ballroom as a child. When she worked at Starbucks, she wore a blue and white baseball tee under a Starbucks apron with orange arrows pointing to her abdomen, light blue jeans, and a name tag that said "Blarn.". Most of Bojack Horseman Season 5 revolves around the production of Philbert, a gritty show about a troubled man who does horrible things starring BoJack Horseman, a troubled horse who does horrible things. Diane admits she used to feel like her life was like a puzzle with pieces that dont fit, and for a while, it felt it felt natural and was jarring when it didnt feel that way anymore, but she gradually began to trust it. However, she felt old when she did it because all the other women there were teenagers and women in their early 20s, and she should feel ready to have kids, but Princess Carolyn cuts her off and sternly tells her she shouldn't have to explain anything to anyone. However, at an award show after-party, BoJack annoying her with asking her what's bothering her leads her to shout at him that she's getting an abortiononly for her to also accidentally tweet out "Im getting an abortion" for Sextina Aquafina. Neither he or Hollyhock find her. She goes to BoJack's place but they both end up spending the night getting drunk. This inspires her to write a blog on female gun empowerment that soon becomes the most popular post on GirlCroosh. Hollyhock begins to feel guilty overcoming all this way just to find a mom, while she did great with eight dads and for wanting a mom in the first place that means her dads weren't good enough for herbut they were. They start digging despite Woodchuck's, who is tied to the ceiling fan, protests for them not to. If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, call the National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline at 800-656-HOPE (4673) or visit He tells her she can put this in the book, and that he doesn't care what anyone thinks anymore. She did this due to the fact she was so in love with BoJack and he never called back which made her insanely jealous. There is a cut back to the two of them in Diane's messy living room. Diane refuses to be a part of the plan and leaves. She tells Diane she was right about Vance, as he created another controversy, so she dropped him. BoJack shows up eventually and apologizes to Diane, saying she knows what she was doing and that he doesn't mind her version being published since he doesn't care what people think of him anymore. In this flashback, she was barefoot, although her teen self is depicted similarly in her imagination through crude sketches in Good Damage this time wearing black sneakers and white socks. Diane, on her way to work, shows her dislike of fracking, stating that if Mr. Peanutbutter is for fracking, she will be super upset. Officer Fuzzyface places them under arrest. mandatory definition in black's law dictionary; lost red light camera ticket suffolk county. She chews gum on airplanes so her ears wont pop. Wanda doesn't think he should sulk about it, but Diane says he should. She admits that their caring nature is idiotic and stubborn, but she still expresses it multiple times. After Pickles comes back from the bathroom they escape out to the roof but lose the bedsheets, and Pickles shuts the window. Shortly after the meeting with Stefani, she starts to assemble a bed frame, albeit incorrectly. Diane's critique extends beyond herself and goes on to target the audience of BoJack itself. He is not sure if it's the right thing for them, because it'll distract him from his and Todd's clown dentist business. In Ruthie, Diane accompanies BoJack to the Hollywoo courthouse to find Hollyhock's birth certificate, although he tricked her by telling her it was a "feminist emergency." Hisyounger sister, Hollyhock, recognizes the toxicity of the titular character. To his disgust, it's his cold ex-wife, Katrina. He calmly says he asked her nicely to not make the situation worse, but she didn't listen, and he doesn't understand how that would make a difference. Diane also provides an answer, to BoJack's question about if she thinks he's still a good person deep down; that she doesn't believe in a "deep down" and that people are made up of the things they do. At the end of the episode, Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter toast to their accomplishments while sitting together in their living room. Throughout her childhood, Diane found comfort once a week watching Horsin' Around. She helped create a show where a man who commits horrible acts is treated as someone worth empathizing with, which she realizes could help "dumb a**holes rationalize their awful behavior," as Diane says. He assures Diane she belongs wherever she wants to, even he sometimes feels like an outsider. However, they haven't always been great towards each other. She starts to rant on how she felt bad for BoJack when Sarah Lynn died, but at the same time wondered about his involvement in it. Stricken by grief and guilt, BoJack leaves Los Angeles for a year and a half and abandons his friends. As his voicemail message ends, Mr. Peanutbutter proposes to Diane, and she accepts. After hearing the news he survived, she was angry, and she stopped trusting her happiness and became depressed out of guiltdue to the constant mindset she held about having to be BoJacks savior. She goes on to say it started when she was having difficulty starting her book which then snowballed into her boyfriend saying she should take antidepressants. Premiering on Netflix in 2014, BoJack Horseman is a show about a horse who was the lead star of a popular sitcom from the 1990s who wants to return to relevance. Her parents didnt name her until she was four years old, and she was apparently named after the Cheers character of the same name. During a break she gets a call from Sebastian St. Clair, saying he is upset she declined coming to North Cordovia. She refuses to at first, as she hated what they did to her mind and body in college. The next woman Hollyhock and BoJack go to visit is Tilda Madison, who is known for her show Timedium. Stefani says that she needs to "do you" because right now no one is. It premiered on September 8, 2017, along with the rest of Season 4. It's Too Late.". Even though her friendship with BoJack is sometimes unhealthy, she helps him anyway by suggesting rehab. Todd then learns from a personal conversation with Mr. Peanutbutter that he has doubts about his marriage to Diane, and remarks he sometimes feels relief when he dreams that Diane disappeared from his life. Diane angrily tells him he didn't trust that she knew something, and he says he just wanted to double-check anyway. She eventually confides in Princess Carolyn growing up she always thought all the abuse and neglect she endured would mean something, and that one day she could get something out of her trauma through art and inspire girls like her. The two initially develop a strong friendshipwith BoJack harboring feelings for Diane, and Diane encouraging BoJack, for the first time, to talk truthfully about himself and about his past, including his shitty behavior and abusive childhood. She tries to call BoJack once again among, the chaos, but his mailbox is full. Later in Sextina's limo, Diane tells Sextina, who's in a hot tub, that she's using the pro-life movement for her fame, but Sextina is bored by her. He feels bad, almost as if he truly believes that there is some amount of guilt that will erase what happened in New Mexico, as if there is any amount of self-hatred BoJack can entertain that will absolve him of Sara Lynn's death. He's the one who has to "live with this sh*t." He's the one who has to "feel the guilt all day. Diane says she's contacted Hank's pasts assistants, but she hasn't heard anything. They are not teenagers. She says. Diane leaves LA in the sixth and final season and moves to Chicago with her new boyfriend, Guy. Diane asks him if going to New York or making the Secretariat movie that he wanted would've made him happy. In Season 1, Diane serves as the ghostwriter for BoJack's memoir, One Trick Pony, which gains massive success and earns BoJack a Golden Globe. BoJack breathes in deeply and begins to walk to the rehab center. Back in New York, despite not getting anything, Diane is still determined to bring Hank down. 7 The Dog Days Are Over (S5 E2) Netflix. It is normal to want to see characters live happily ever after just like they hope to find happy endings in their day-to-day lives. BoJack pays a surprise visit to Diane, who is still in her pajamas and has surrounded the living room with empty pizza boxes, coffee cups, and beer bottles. She then tells him she also doesnt regret knowing him, however when he jokes it would be funny if this was the last time they ever spoke to each other, she just sadly looks away, which implies this will be. He says if she told her that, he would have listened. BoJack is also apparently upset she's upstaging him when the book tour is supposed to be about him, and he promises Wanda he'll talk to Diane. Then they are heard having "angry sex" (again) in a closet. However, Dianes new positivity comes to a halt after a relapsed drunk BoJack leaves her a voicemail saying he was going to drown himself if she didnt pick up. Diane admits she thinks she depressed. The therapist, Dr. Janet, tells Diane that for the next time she has to focus on putting her feelings into words. He is voiced by Will Arnett and was created by Raphael Bob-Waksberg. Diane gets out of the car to console BoJack. Diane apologizes and says she never intended to upset him, and she should have handled things better. Diane stares at BoJack as he holds the pills in his hands, unsure if to take them or not. BoJack and Diane, still a bit drunk, try to figure out what to do, and realize that there might be a well of water beneath them. Age Later, BoJack talks about how the last few years have been rough, and he tells her about his daughter, Hollyhock, and how he's trying to help her find her mom. Directed by The Way You Do. BoJack is watching an old episode of Horsin' Around when Diane comes in and tells him she was worried about him. Most people grew up hearing stories with happy endings. The doctor comes in and tells her blood work is good, but to not do any more drugs in the time beingbecause she's pregnant. Cookie Notice Diane goes to the party alone but runs into Todd. BoJack and Diane aren't exactly like the people in '80s hit. Diane's clearly struggles in trying to decide whether attempting to help BoJack get better absolves her of her involvement in his actions or further implicates her, and so does the show. With all the controversy, the movie is canceled. Someone has a question for Diane, asking if she was worried that the book would ruin BoJack's reputation, which BoJack also wants an answer to. Guy admits shes right and tells her she can meet Sonny the next night. BoJack tells Diane the secret to being happy is to pretend to be happy, and eventually, you'll forget that you're pretending. He responds with, Joke's on you! BoJack tries to explain how the audience isn't supposed to like Philbert as a character or agree with anything he does and realizes that what the show is doing is normalizing Philbert's behavior.
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