microbiology creative project ideas

Studying the effect of different types of antibiotics on bacterial growth. INTRODUCTION Guidelines for Independent Research Project. ThoughtCo. You will do replicate samples so that you can conduct a statistical analysis of you data to test your hypothesis. You will proceed at your own rate. In this project, students will create presentations related to microbiology and its impact on medicine. After that, figuring out quite what level you can operate at in terms of experimentation (what sort of supplies and equipment you have access to, as well as your understanding and familiarity of the techniques requires, and ultimately how much time/effort you're willing/able to put into this bad boy) can focus your options a bit further. Illustration of the arterial system in the human body, shown in a standing figure. I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. How bacteriological clean are the fill-your-own water sources? I've found all these things to be true, and have been working over the years to accomplish the same goals. MCB34591. For example in lifeforms that life both single celled and in multicellular forms like myxobacteria. Which Acne Medication Can Really Zap That Zit? Doing something on kitchen microbiology, basically creating a microbiological laboratory at home, for a low cost would be something interesting to do for a master's degree. Life is all around us which means that there are enormous possibilities when considering a biology science project. Ruminations on the teaching of and research in microbiology at a small liberal arts undergraduate institution. Kindly note notification it might take up to 24 - 48 hours to handle your solicitation. Fun ideas like leaf chromatography, making a butterfly garden, and experimenting with bee memory are sure to provide some science fair . 5. ASSESSMENT OF THE TOXICITY PROFILE OF CRUDE OIL UTILIZING MICROORGANISM IN SEDIMENT AT EASTERN- OBOLO L.G.A, ANTIFUNGAL ACTIVITIES OF LEAF EXTRACTS OF AZADIRACHTA INDICA AND TRIDAX PROCUMBERIS ON DISEASED YAM TUBERS, EFFECT OF FERMENTATION ON NUTRITIONAL AND ANTI-NUTRITIONAL COMPOSITION OF PENTACLETHRA MACROPHLLA BENTH AFRICAN OIL BEANS, ISOLATION, IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF PROBIOTICS BACTERIA FROM FISH, ISOLATION, IDENTIFICATION AND ANTIMICROBIAL SUSCEPTIBILITY OF BACTERIA ASSOCIATED WITH WOUND, ISOLATION OF BACTERIOPHAGE ATTACKING STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS FROM CLINICAL SAMPLE WOUND SWAB, PLASMID ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON UTILIZING MICROORGANISMS IN ESIT EKET L.G.A- AKWA IBOM STATE, MICROBIAL ECOLOGY OF THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT OF DOMESTICATED BIRDS, MICROBIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION OF AEROSOLS OF TOILET MIASMA, MICROBIOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE INTESTINAL AND CROP CONTENTS OF WILD AND CULTIVATED EDIBLE SNAIL, THE USE OF BIOMEDICAL EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURES IN THE DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF BREAST CANCER. Create your account. Comparison of bacterial population from different water sources. 100 Best Biology Topics For You Next Project. It seems to me that one of the biggest factors in determining your project is quite what interests you most. I hope you can see how each of these "extra credit" projects, in their own way, helped the students learn and integrate concepts from microbiology in innovative and personal ways. Copyright 2002-2023 Science Buddies. Microbes are everywhere in our environment, but for the most part they escape our notice. This project doesn't require a long list of material. As for "stealing," well, it is really the students doing the cool stuff. -preparation of agar alternative using natural sources. Maytenus senegalensis (Lam) excel is an African shrubs ABSTRACT Start project. This is. Meaning Amidst Measurement | Voice of Microbiology By: KT Scott, Wrap up your dissertation with a writing plan, Microbiomes and Diversity at the New York March for Science, Telliamed Revisited | Evolutionary science: past, present, and future, Responses to question about functional annotation of metagenomic reads. 2021. Megan and Andrea went a bit further, and created a bioluminescent video that mixes in some interpretive dance! The prep lab will provide all materials, within reason, necessary to complete your experiment. Love your philosophy and ideas. Don't sell this "creative extra credit project" idea short---it clearly has benefits for many students, on many levels. Is freezing an effective means of reducing bacterial contamination in food? This collection of ideas for art projects, science projects, and science experiments are perfect for . We are here to help you achieve your educational goals! PHYSIOCHEMICAL AND SENSORY EVALUATION OF COOKIES PRODUCED FROM BLENDS OF MALTED SORGHUM, SPROUTED BLACK BEANS AND COOKED COCOYAM FLOUR. Working model of science project "cotton candy machine". Antimicrobial properties of spices - much of the cuisine from hot or tropical areas is highly spiced. Math projects can foster creativity and innovation by challenging students to develop new and creative solutions to complex problems. Take notes on simple experiments on which to base your experiment. You do not need to purchase anything. Copyright ScienceForums.Net Especially since I love van Gogh's work. Does repeated use of antimicrobial cleaning products select for resistant bacteria? Make Paper Marbled Cards: use shaving cream, food coloring, and paper to create colorful marbled cards. Top 10 Biology Experiments 1. We use cookies and those of third party providers to deliver the best possible web experience and to compile statistics. What I like best about this kind of assignment is that I get genuine artwork for my office---and get to brag about my students! The funny part to me is that the students were passive, and not positiveuntil I told them I valued what they were doing. Bit by bit, I have come to see that my goal is to teach my students, Thus, I believe that student interaction (with peers and professors) is a very important part of learning. We are all supposed to be on the same team! Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. It is important that keep track of all the resources used in your research as these source materials will be required for listing in the bibliography for your science fair project report. It is important that you do the work yourself and not just copy the material. It seems that there is still a lot to learn about how those weird myxobacteria work: http://iopscience.iop.org/1478-3975/1/3/005/, http://www.pnas.org/content/102/32/11308.full. Survey of the currency bills in University of Uyo, for fungal contaminations revealed presence of fungal organisms such ABSTRACT CONFESSION OF ONE OF THE ACCUSED PERSON AGAINST ANOTHER PERSON IN COMMON AND ISLAMIC ENGLISH AND LINGUISTIC PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, COMPUTER SCIENCE PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS FINAL YEAR, EDUCATION FOUNDATION GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING TOPICS AND MATERIALS, ANIMAL SCIENCE PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, MASS COMMUNICATION PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, ARTS EDUCATION PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, BANKING AND FINANCE PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, POLITICAL SCIENCE PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, LIBRARY SCIENCE PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, CIVIL ENGINEERING PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, ENGLISH EDUCATION PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, BIOCHEMISTRY PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, ESTATE MANAGEMENT PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, OFFICE TECHNOLOGY PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, CO-OPERATIVE ECONOMICS PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, PURCHASING AND SUPPLY PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, HISTORY AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, SECRETARIAL ADMINISTRATION PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, FOOD SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, BUSINESS MANAGEMENT PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, ENTREPRENEURIAL PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, SCIENCE EDUCATION PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, BUILDING TECHNOLOGY PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, COMPUTER ENGINEERING PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, SMES AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, QUANTITY SURVEYING PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, HOME ECONOMICS PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, BIBLICAL AND THEOLOGY PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, EDUCATION FOUNDATION GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING, INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, OCCUPATION HEALTH AND SAFETY PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, SOIL SCIENCE PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, ARCHITECTURE PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, THEATER ARTS PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, FISHERY AND AQUACULTURE PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, MARINE AND TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, HEALTH AND KINETICS PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, OIL AND GAS PETROLEUM ENGINEERING PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, HEALTH AND SEX EDUCATION PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, PETROLEUM ENGINEERING PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, RELIGIOUS AND CULTURAL STUDIES PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, INTERNAL INSTITUTE OF JOURNALISM / RELATION / HISTORY AND DIPLOMACY PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, BUSINESS EDUCATION PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, INDUSTRIAL RELATION AND PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, FOOD NUTRITION PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, ISLAMIC AND ARABIC PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, CHILD AND BASIC EDUCATION PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, AFRICAN LANGUAGES PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, PRODUCTION AND OPERATION MANAGEMENT PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, PEACE STUDIES AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, BOTANY AND ECOLOGY PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, GENERAL EDUCATION PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, NAUTICAL SCIENCE PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, FORESTRY WILD LIFE PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, PLANT SCIENCE PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, CROP SCIENCE PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, PHYSICS EDUCATION PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, PHYSICAL SCIENCE PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, CURRICULUM AND EDUCATION PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, MEDICAL BIOLOGY PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, ACTUARIAL SCIENCE PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, AGRICULTURAL AND BIORESOURCES ENGINEERING PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, MEDICINE AND SURGERY PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, BREWING SCIENCE PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, FASHION DESIGN AND CLOTH/PRINT TECHNOLOGY PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, GEOGRAPHY EDUCATION PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, BIOTECHNOLOGY PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, BROADCATING UNDERGRADUATE PROJECT TOPICS, RESEARCH WORKS AND MATERIALS, INTEGRATED SCIENCE PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS. Rinse each bottle thoroughly with water and remove any labels. (ANACARDIACEAE), PHARMACOGNOSTIC AND ANTIMICROBIAL STUDIES ON THE STEM-BARK OF FICUS KAMERUNENSIS WARB. 9 chapters | Biology Projects are great teaching tools educators can use to boost student interest in the subject and spark classroom participation. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/biology-science-fair-project-ideas-373329. -extracted chloroplasts, cultivated microbes by using chloroplasts as their nutrition source. Microbiology Projects From bacteria to viruses to algae, microorganisms may be tiny, but their impact is large. HYPOLIPIDEMIC AND ANTIOXIDANT CAPACITY OF METHANOL LEAF EXTRACT OF KIGELIA AFRICANA IN ALLOXAN INDUCED DIABETIC ALBINO RATS. Hepatitis C Virus Among Pregnant Womenpeople Living With Hivaids Attending Clinic At Unth Itukuozalla. Visit Make Solar Cell. Microorganisms are all around us, with an amazing diversity of adaptations. The most complicate, successful experiment was cultivation of microbes on chloroplasts. Regardless of student evaluations (which I haven't looked at quite yet), I had a wonderful time, and I think so did most of my students. DETERMINE THE PREVALENCE OF GASTROINTESTINAL HELMINTH AMONG SLAUGHTERED CATTLE IN BENIN CITY ABATTOIRS. oh my! All rights reserved. Then comes designing a scientific experiment to answer the question posed. (OLIV.) ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF HONEY ON STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS ESCHERICHIA COLI AND STREPTOCOCCUS PYOGEN ISOLATED FROM WOUND, BIOCONTROL POTENTIAL OF BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS ISOLATED FROM SOIL SAMPLES AGAINST LARVA OF MOSQUITO, COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF PIPEBORNE WATER AND OTHER SOURCES OF WATER WITHIN ENUGU METROPOLIS FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. The Effect of Titanium Dioxide TiO (2) Nanoparticles on E. coli Growth in the Presence of Light [ E] Examines the levels of harmful bacteria that grow in baby food after it has been opened and used in both refrigerated and room temperature environments. Use it as a guide and not to duplicate the work in exactly the same words (verbatim). Also, inclusion of sterile techniques to prevent home contamination would be a nice read. This tasty cell model will make a great addition to any classroom. Animal science projects allow us to understand various aspects of animal life. All Creatures Great AND Small: Preaching Microbial Centrism! PROJECT TOPIC, PREVALENCE STUDY OF HEPATITIS B (AUSTRALIAN ANTIGEN) AMONG PATIENT IN NATIONAL ORTHOPEDIAE HOSPITAL ENUGU), THE INCIDENCE OF SALMONELLA AND ESCHERCHIA COLI IN LIVESTOCK (POULTRY) FEEDS, THE EVALUATION OF MICROORGANISMS ON GARRI AT OGBETE MARKET, THE PREVALENCE OF STREPTOCOCCUS PNEUMONIAE IN PNEUMONIA PTIENTS IN ENUGU METROPOLI ( A CASE STUDY OF UNTH ENUGU), EVALUATON OF CURRENT TECHNIQUES IN DIAGNOSES OF HUMAN IMMUNODAFICIENCY VIRUS (HIV) PROJECT TOPIC, GASTROENTERITIS IN PRIMARY SCHOOL CHIDREN IN ENUGU METROPOLIS, MICROBIAL EXAMINATION OF SPOILT AVOCADO FRUIT, AN EPIDEMOLOGY SURVEY FOR SCTRISTOSOMIASIS AMONG PUPILS IN AMAGUNZE COMMUNITY IN NKANU LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA IN EENUGU, THE PREVALENCE OF TRICHOMONA VAGINALIS AMONG ADULTS IN OSUMENYI IN NNEWI SOUTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA ANAMBRA STATE PROJECT TOPICS, EXAMINATION OF INCIDENCE OF MALARIA WEFESTATION CAUSED BY DIFFERNET SPECIES OF PLASMODIUM IN ENUGU METROPOLIC (A CASE STUDY OF PARKLANE HOSPITAL ENUGU), THE DETERMINATION OF THE ACTIVITIES AND SPECIFICITY OF ENZYMES IN FERMENTATION OF STARCH FROM MAIZE, ISOLATIOIN AND CHARACTERISATION OF BACTERIA ASSOCIATED WITH HAWKED SUYA- MEAT (CASE STUDY OF ENUGU), ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF MICROORGANISMS FROM STORED PAP (OGI), ANAEMIA IN PREGNANCY (A CASE STUDY OF PREGNANT WOMEN ATTENDING ANTENATAL CLINIC AT UNIVERISTY OF NIGERIA TEACHING HOSPITAL). So where do you get ideas for biology science fair projects? Learn How to Disinfect Contaminated Water. For one thing, I moved to a Tuesday - Thursday lecture schedule, which allowed more time for student discussion Sure, I couldn't cover everything I wished, but I already couldn't do that in a MWF structure. What effect do household cleaners have on a bacteria culture? TMCC is a great place to get started on academic or university transfer degrees, occupational training, career skill enhancement, and classes just for fun. Use these project ideas to guide your students as they explore such topics and build creative products to demonstrate their learning. Brilliant! If so, i sure hope you demand more of them - the concepts you offered are more appropriate for a high school science fair. A list of researchable topics for biology students starts with several interesting biological topics concerning sociological perspective and ethical issues. Testing plants and gravity Testing root growth in relationship to gravity is a fun and simple idea. RELATIVE EFFECTS OF JIGSAW AND INDIVIDUALIZED LEARNING STRATEGIES IN TEACHING THE CONCEPT OF VARIATION IN POPULATION AND BIOLOGY STUDENTS ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN ABAK LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA. This requires of minimum of 3 samples for your test. Hamburger contamination. Record references for the books and other materials you have used in your research. Learn How to Disinfect Contaminated Water. Research in Evolutionary Ecology -. This project work is carried at the isolation and characterization of pathogenic bacteria from hawked suya meat, were CHAPTER ONE (MIMOSACEAE), THE EFFECT OF QUININE-ARTESUNATE CO-ADMINISTRATION ON SOME BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS IN PLASMODIUM BERGHEI PARASITIZED SWISS ALBINO MICE AND RATS, PSYCHOACTIVE SUBSTANCE USE AMONG PSYCHIATRIC OUTPATIENTS OF A TERTIARY HOSPITAL IN NIGERIA, EVALUATION OF AQUEOUS AND METHANOL ROOT EXTRACTS OF CALOTROPIS PROCERA AIT (ASCLEPIADACEAE) FOR ANTI-ASTHMATIC ACTIVITY ON WISTAR RATS AND GUINEA PIG ILEUM, EGG DROP SYNDROME-76, NEWCASTLE DISEASE AND GUMBORO DISEASE ANTIBODIES IN POULTRY IN ZARIA AND ENVIRONS, KADUNA STATE, NIGERIA, EFFICACY OF AQUEOUS EXTRACT OF XYLOPIA AETHIOPICA WHOLE FRUITS ON EXPERIMENTAL ASCARIDIA GALLI INFECTION IN GUINEA FOWL KEETS (NUMIDA MELEAGRIS GALEATA PALAS), STUDIES ON BRUCELLOSIS IN CATTLE IN JIGAWA STATE, NIGERIA, ANTICONVULSANT STUDIES ON METHANOL LEAF EXTRACT OF LAGGERAAURITA LINN.F.IN LABORATORY ANIMALS, ANTIBIOGRAM OF UROPATHOGENIC BACTERIA ISOLATED FROM PATIENTS IN SOME HOSPITALS IN BIRNIN KUDU, JIGAWA STATE, NIGERIA, PHYTOCHEMICAL AND ANTIMALARIAL STUDIES OF THE LEAVES OF UVARIA CHAMAE P.BEAUV. If you don't mind my asking, what's your education level? AKWA IBOM, EFFECT OF KITCHEN WASTE COMPOST ON SOIL MICROBIAL COMMUNITY, ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF HONEY ON STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS, ESCHERICHIA COLI AND STREPTOCOCCUS PYOGENES ISOLATED FROM WOUNDS. A New Year, New-ish Resolutions, a Microbial Anima 477: Hijackers Hitchhike on Hyphal Highways, What You Know* About the Difference in Dolphins and Porpoises is Wrong**. Learn More: WordPress. Get new Microbiology Project ideas or Search for related Microbiology Projects using our search box for ND, HND, Bsc, Msc, PGD, Phd. (MORACEAE), PHARMACOGNOSTIC AND ANTIBACTERIAL STUDIES OF THE LEAF EXTRACTS OF SWARTZIA MADAGASCARIENSIS DESV (FABACEAE), PHARMACOGNOSTIC AND ANTIBACTERIAL STUDIES OF ACACIA SIEBERIANA VAR WOODII (FABACEAE) STEM BARK, ANTIMICROBIAL PROPERTY OF THE HEXANE EXTRACT FROM THE PODS OF ACACIA NILOTICA (L.) DEL. It helps make learning, well, Summing up, I must say that this particular class meant a great deal to me. We use the scientific method as a means of studying science and biology. The paid membership on modishproject.com is a method by which the site is kept up to help Open Education. EXTRACTION OF CASHEW NUT SEED OIL AND ITS EFFECT ON COLI FORM. For example, collect samples of water from the source of the Truckee River and from a site in town. ISOLATE AND IDENTIFY MICROORGANISMS ESPECIALLY BACTERIA AND FUNGI FROM STORED MAIZE, PHENOTYPIC DETECTION OF EXTENDED SPECTRUM BETA LACTAMASES PRODUCING ORGANISM AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS, PRODUCTION OF CELLULASE ENZYME FROM ASPERGILLUS SPECIES USING CYPERUS ESCULENTUS, PRODUCTION OF DEODORANTS USING PAW PAW LEAVES, SHELF LIFE PROFILE OF SOYMILK BEVERAGE USING STARTER CULTURE LACTOBACILLUS BULGARICUS AND STREPTOCOCCUS THERMOPHILUS, SYNTHESIS CHARACTERIZATION AND PRELIMINARY ANTIMICROBIAL STUDIES OF SOME SCHIFF BASE LIGANDS AND THEIR CO(II), MN(VII), MO(VII) COMPLEXES, TESTICULAR AND HEPATIC TOXICITY OF MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE ON ADULT WISTAR RATS, PREVALENCE AND ANTIBIOTIC SUSCEPTIBILITY PROFILE OF ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANT UROPATHOGEN IN ASYMPTOMATIC FEMALE STUDENTS OF AKWA IBOM STATE UNIVERSITY, OCCURRENCE AND DISTRIBUTION OF MACRO-INVERTEBRATES ALONG IBENO BEACH, MICROBIOLOGY AND PPROXIMATE COMPOSITION OF COCONUT IN MKPAT ENIN L.G.A, ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF FUNGI ASSOCIATED WITH SPOILED TOMATOES IN MKPAT ENIN L.G.A, ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF BIO PLASTIC PRODUCING STRAINS OF BACTERIA FROM ENGINE OIL CONTAMINATED SOIL, INCIDENCE OF HEPATITIS B VIRUS SURFACE ANTIGEN AND TREPONEMA PALLIDUM SYPHILIS INFECTIONS AMONG ANTENATAL WOMEN IN AKWA IBOM STATE NIGERIA, EXAMINATION OF THE PREVALENCE RATE OF HELICOBACTER PYLORI IN IKOT AKPADEN COMMUNITY OF AKWA IBOM STATE, EVALUATION OF PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND HEAVY METALS IN WATER, SEDIMENTS AND TYMPANOTONUS FUSCATUS PERIWINKLE FROM IKO RIVER, EASTERN OBOLO L.G.A. Some soil bacteria stimulate brain neuron growth and increase learning capacity. Some of these include your local library, science books and magazines, internet science news sources, and teachers or educators. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Your project must meet some minimum criteria. Finally, several of my students were clearly influenced by my discussion of microbial taxonomy, 16s rRNA analysis, and the late, great. At best, I've considered a person needs about $200 USD for a good, at-home microbiology laboratory. This certainly suggests that we should take another approach in how we traditionally have viewed how life actually evolves. DECNE (ASCLEPIADACEAE) ON ACETIC ACID INDUCED WRITHES IN MICE AND VENOM OF ECHIS OCELLATUS, PHYTOCHEMICAL AND ANTIMICROBIAL STUDIES ON THE STEM-BARK OF COMMIPHORA MOLLIS (OLIV.) Download Complete, reliable and ready made Microbiology project work. You may print and distribute up to 200 copies of this document annually, at no charge, for personal and classroom educational use. The result of all of my experiences last semester is the usual "moving target" of teaching: I have many ideas to try out next year! INTRODUCTION Research project paper, download seminar topics, proposals, titles, ideas and materials are available for dissertation, thesis and essay in Microbiology department. When choosing a science fair project topic, make sure that you select a topic that you are interested in. Measure Static Electricity With An Electroscope! Keep notes on diagrams used in similar experiments. THE EFFECT OF PESTICIDES DICHLORODIPHENYL TRICHLOROEYHANE (D.D.Y) AND BENZENE HEXACHRORIDE (BHC) ON THE MICROFLORA OF THE THREE TYPES OF SOIL. You may also propose a different experiment; however it must meet your instructor's discerning approval. Microbiology impacts every aspect of our lives from the food we consume and digest to the natural environments we enjoy. Death Rays: What Duration of Ultraviolet Exposure Kills Bacteria. Most microbes play essential roles in our internal and external environment. How extensive is your experience in the microbiology field? This project is where you pull together all the skills you have mastered in lab. -tested effect of different toothpastes on teeth plaques. When printing this document, you may NOT modify it in any way. Owl Pellet Dissection 5. MICROBIOLOGY UNDERGRADUATE PROJECT TOPICS, RESEARCH WORKS AND MATERIALS. Your experimental design will be limited by the constraints of the materials we have available in the lab and the time available to complete your experiment. We challenge you to think critically and scientifically. Offering professional success and personal enrichment courses that serve everyone in our community, from children and teens to adults and esteemed elders. In other words, if you could find a way to describe how to do a lot of modern microbiology for a low-cost at home without buying a lot of scientific equipment from an equipment vendor, then it would be a novel master's thesis. Shanna has been an educator for 20 years and earned her Master of Education degree in 2017. Plants are important to life as we know it. we've worked on more than 1,000 projects for clients around the world. I think they are. Photosynthesis 8-12 Activities and Lessons 1. The answer is from almost anywhere. How does yeast work? Christina went on to create a clay sculpture of bacteria and bacteriophage that I am proud to have on display in my office. Megan showed quite an artistic bent, as well, as she created a copper etching that she printed onto art paper. I have her artwork framed in my office, as well. One of the best ways to do this is through a flower dissection! CONSUMERS ACCEPTABILITY AND PHYSICO CHEMICAL QUALITY OF BREAKFAST FROM MALTED SORGHUM (SORGHUM VULGARC VAR K.S.V.S) ACHA (DIGITARIA EXILIB) AND CASSAVA (MANIHOT ESCULANTE) STARCH. We're big enough to handle massive projects, and yet also nimble enough to . Use these project ideas with your high school students to explore the impact of microbiology on food, medicine, and nature. If you have ever wondered how the body works or about all the biological processes that keep the body functioning, then you should consider a science project on the human body. Sophie was taken with the micro-centric nitrogen cycle, and made a vest! experiment Blowing up balloons with yeast One of the key microbes used for making foods and drinks is yeast. List of Microbiology Project topics in pdf and word. I hope to avoid spammage. This discipline includes fundamental research on the biochemistry, physiology, cell . EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTS OF ANTHROPOENIC ACTIVITIES AND DOMESTIC WASTE ON SURFACE WATER QUALITY (A CASE STUDY OF EKULU RIVER, ENUGU).

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microbiology creative project ideas

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