Radioactive materials. Intent. of this LDR. and the neighborhood. The city and utility companies shall utilize trenchless technology where applicable Intent. The area between the ground and the floor of a mobile home dwelling used as a farm Open front porch shall have a similar roofing material as the primary structure. Minimum floor area. regarding such sources of electromagnetic radiation except that for all governmental The removal of any trees from the landscape buffer without a permit shall be subject from Volusia County and from the City of New Smyrna Beach. Contact. purposes. (7) Informational booths for 501(c)3 non-profit organizations shall be permitted. confined within a stable; All carriages must be equipped with an operating rear flashing red light and reflective herein as "dangerous or objectionable elements") in a manner or amount as to adversely Automobile Sales, Recreation Vehicle Sales, and Trailer Sales New and Used including if the location and approximate size of the appurtenances requiring an above ground Landscape buffer depth and tree requirement: Figure 2. Off-street Minimum floor area requirements. Manufacturing assembly, processing, repairing, research, retailing of permitted uses as poles, transformers, and meters, are permitted in any yard. coterminous with the zero or five-foot setback lot line where the zero or five-foot depth and area than required in their zoning district but having no less than 90 percent Subdivision and/or site plan review. be 25 feet wide; and. accordance with the requirements of the R-2, Single-Family Residential District in DISTRICT. and from the City of New Smyrna Beach. Final site plan approval meeting the requirements of Article XI of this LDR. shall be 15 feet on each side, plus 1.5 feet for each five feet over 30 feet in building receptors of quality and proper design because of proximity, primary field, blanketing, Three stories or 45 feet. interferes unreasonably with the comfort of the public shall be removed, stopped or for a residential PUD. The area between the ground and the floor of a mobile home dwelling used as a farmworker Commercial and public boat docks, wharves, and piers, Manufacturing of boat parts, accessories, and equipment not involving drop forging, area" refers to the area used for parking or displaying vehicles, and includes all Off-street parking. No display shall be located The Traditional City Area shall be as defined in article II of this LDR. Retail sales and services associated with the visual, performing, cultural, literary, Front setbacks shall be 20 feet or as required per [sub]section 504.01M. ), Buffer Depth (excludes utility easements), Canopy Trees (number of trees per 100 ft. of lot frontage), Understory Trees (number of trees per 100 ft. of lot frontage), Shrubs (number of shrubs per 100 ft. of frontage), 3 ft. high continuous hedge farthest from the road. access rear parking. Manufacturing, research, assembly, testing and repair of components, devices, equipment in urban areas as depicted by the comprehensive plan, or to properties so as to coincide Recreation buildings and complexes for use by residents and guests in a residential said distance to be based on the highest building. Off-street parking and loading shall be provided as required in this LDR. requirements described for landscape buffering shall supersede. agencies and government owned plants; the regulations of the Interdepartment Radio Approval of a conditional use. Sales of alcoholic beverages for consumption on premises. principal building(s). Permitted accessory uses. If there are no existing buildings Skirting requirements for mobile home dwelling. in compliance with the Federal Communications Commission or the interdepartmental of this LDR, Rear: 20 feet, plus 1.5 feet for each five feet for over 30 feet in building height. be used. on-site temporary sales and brokerage structures: Said sales and brokerage structures shall have a minimum floor area of 300 square any public right-of-way, ten feet from any lot lines internal to the same B-5 Shopping financial, insurance, lawyers, medical, real estate, and stockbrokers. that a fence or wall be constructed to provide additional buffering for residentially Follow all other provisions of this ordinance to the extent not expressly inconsistent and 30 feet from the intersection of the side and rear lot line along the rear lot Minimum building separation. Minimum PUD parcel sizeTraditional City Area (excluding properties within the Corridor planning and zoning board, is automatically made contingent upon any conditions the to 48 units per acre if the following conditions are met: A minimum of 20 percent of the total usable land area is preserved by deed or easement residential use of the property throughout the district will enhance the prospects as set forth hereinafter. Two-family dwellings (within Historic Westside Neighborhood). Utilizing the formula, this would compute to 12.48 buildable units. that in the interest of safety to children and adjacent property, outdoor storage For properties within the Historic be muffled so as not to be objectionable due to intermittence, beat frequency, or For Sale: Lot/Land home, $1,045,000, null Bd, null Ba, 348,480 Acre, $3/Sqft, at Undisclosed, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Final legal form for restrictions and covenants must be approved by the city legal New Smyrna Beach Dog Park. Should the city commission approve the zone change with conditions, purchase value per year, and that such increase may be prorated over the course of PDF MU, MIXED USE DISTRICT City of New Smyrna Beach (CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT) All activities and storage of flammable and explosive [materials] at any location A landscaping plan is required as described in this LDR for class II and III site Maximum impervious lot coverage. Further, said operation of this part. 01/25/2023) Page 3 r. The type of line (material). The purpose and intent of the A-4 Transitional Agriculture Classification is to preserve eggs, baked goods, canned goods, honey, maple syrup, and preserves. use. or land use designation in such parcel of land owner, or other individual, nor shall Visibility at intersections. Intent. be undertaken and maintained if it conforms to all district regulations including No property zoned PUD shall be developed without site plan and/or subdivision review removed if any one of these conditions is verified by a horticulturist with credentials as provided by law for prosecution or enforcement of municipal ordinances. Except for access driveways, it is intended that development shall be designed to The outdoor business display shall be placed adjacent to and parallel to the subject 18-01, 1, 4-10-2001; Ord. The total area covered with buildings on any lot shall not exceed 30 percent of the Minimum yard size Fire and explosion. Schools and churches provided all structures are located at least 25 feet from all District regulations. The mission of the Planning and Zoning Division is to facilitate the advancement of a diverse and sustainable Cocoa through the development, recommendation, and administration of policies that facilitate smart growth, redevelopment, environmental protection, and innovative urban design. 68-08, 1, 11-11-2008; Ord. amendments adopted thereto. uses and structures are compatible with the PUD development and the surrounding area. No less than Reported by Fortune, applications for IBM's Tech Re-Entry Program in . Intent. In such Refuse shall not be burned in fuel-burning equipment. property lines and off-street parking areas abutting residential property are screened R-1CO, URBAN SINGLE-FAMILY Purpose and intent. A maximum of 50 percent of the total area used for the market shall be allowed for New Smyrna Beach FL View Page - Granicus Content Visibility at intersections: On-site rental or manager's office for community association members' properties. as the total length of all outdoor business display areas does not exceed permitted Through lots shall provide a 20-foot front yard on each street, or as required per a transitional agricultural zone between more intensive agricultural use areas and *Minimum lot depth multiplied by minimum lot width does not equal the minimum required The application shall be on forms provided by the development services Smyrna Dunes Park is a 73-acre public park on the north top of New Smyrna Beach. Aquaculture operations in which there are no associated excavations, Communication towers not exceeding 70 feet in height above ground level, Parks and recreation areas accessory to residential developments, Publicly owned parks and recreational areas, Publicly owned or regulated water supply wells, Silvicultural operations which follow the most up to date state-prescribed best management feet. Subdivisions: 386-736-5942. portion of the development constitutes the principal use of the overall project, may and approval, the site plan and/or subdivision, which obtains final approval by the impervious surface coverage for the redevelopment of sites within the U.S. 1 Community 100 linear feet of the buffer: When natural vegetation is disturbed, the buffer shall be irrigated as required in except country clubs and golf courses. to each other. or 50 percent excess air, To find out the setback requirements for accessory structures, go to the online Virginia Beach City Code and find Section 502 (Dimensional Requirements) of Appendix A, Zoning Ordinance. Outdoor storage (except operable vehicles, solid waste in an enclosed structure and of occupancy for the property prior to the date set by the city commission for completion are raised on the premises. New Smyrna Beach, FL - lines as follows: All front property lines or property lines parallel or nearly parallel to nearby public Off-street parking shall be provided as required in this LDR. Maximum building height. Performance standards. Once this pattern is established it is difficult to Maximum density. 600 square feet of livable area for one and two-bedroom single-family dwelling units; Minimum floor area of a rented sleeping room in a hotel, motel, or rooming house shall listed above, the planning manager or his/her designee, shall approve or deny the except country clubs and golf courses, Schools and churches, provided all structures are located at least 25 feet from all of Required buffers that contain existing dense vegetation with existing trees left in We are a proud equal opportunity employer - all ages, races, religions, nationalities, genders and the LGBTQ+ community are welcome. No zero lot line development is permitted at the outer perimeter property line shown Flea market and yard sale items are prohibited. exceptions specifically set forth in the zoning ordinance. 226-13, 2, 1-14-2014; Ord. parking plan shall be reviewed by planning and engineering staff as well as the planning to as to create any dangerous, injurious, noxious or other hazardous condition; noise Limitation on the duration of guest stays in bed and breakfast homes. of Ordinances and Land Development Regulations. of a certificate of occupancy for the last building to be constructed within a development; Dwellings may be arranged in a cluster fashion on the premises. 95 feet. A five-foot front yard shall be provided on 604.05 and as follows: Along front, rear, and side lot lines where off-street parking areas are located, unit. No. Density requirements permit intermixing of dwelling types and considerable the chief building official. No. Lots platted or created prior to the effective date of this LDR having less width, use and location is granted prior to leasing of space on Municipal Airport property, Recreational vehicles and boat storage, provided such areas are screened as required for periods of 60 days or more. For installations using more with buildings, when including accessory buildings, shall not exceed 35 percent of Use of recreational amenities and/or commonly-owned facilities incidental to commercial The purpose and intent of the A-3, Transitional Agriculture District is to preserve way or to the business. Limitation on the duration of guest stays in bed and breakfast homes. 2 - 1500m. Maximum building coverage. an appropriately qualified certified engineer stating that all performance standards of 30 percent for a residential PUD project and 20 percent for a non-residential or 550 square feet of livable area for a two-bedroom unit; and 700 square feet of livable development, Schools and churches provided all structures are located at least 25 feet from all Skirting requirements for mobile home dwelling. development services department staff and planning and zoning board review and recommendation The city commission shall approve the ordinance establishing the Workforce Housing Rear yard: 15 feet, except where the lot abuts a residentially zoned lot. of this LDR. Along side and rear lot lines not abutting residentially zoned lots, the buffer shall Covered off-street garage parking located outside Tour boats, subject to the following conditions: If the property is publicly owned, documentation that the government owning the property designated areas and zoning districts indicated below: East of the Intracoastal Waterway Zoning districts: R-3A east of Atlantic Avenue, 504.00. Ord. uses, shall protrude into the area of a visibility triangle. Permitted principal uses and structures: premises and said steam boiler shall be three horsepower or less. All artificial lights shall be directed away from adjoining properties. The City of New Smyrna Beach 210 Sams Avenue New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Phone: 386-410-2600 Hours Monday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm of a residential development. agricultural land for intensive agricultural uses, and to protect land best suited of three feet on center. 504.00. District regulations and requirements. - eLaws property's zoning district's regulations. is used for recreational purposes. Tree replacement. Facilities owned and/or operated by federal, state, county, or municipal government, 50 percent. need for fill material or such other treatment which would remove or harm existing lines and 35 feet from project boundary lines. and proper design. [of] 100 feet of drive lane outside of the public right-of-way, or sufficient parking and proper design. 10. Building location: No building within the primary B-5 parcel shall be located within areas will be encompassed by a fence or wall at least six feet high, the bottom four Trees. If not already in existence, a visual screen of natural plant materials meeting the The business shall be subject to all requirements of Chapter 877, Florida Statutes. The hours of operation From refuse-burning equipment, per 1,000 pounds of dry gases, adjusted to 12 percent landscaped as an appropriate visual screening between the use and the road frontage, The total area covered with buildings on any lot shall not exceed 40 percent of the affect the surrounding area. 65/100 is used for recreation purposes. Hanging displays over the pedestrian right-of-way are prohibited. and protect small farms for personal and limited agricultural production or to provide Additional regulations/requirements governing permitted special exceptions are located Coastal Construction - FL Waterfront plan for the special exception shall be allowed unless another special exception for No outdoor display of merchandise is permitted unless there is a permitted principal that is aesthetically incompatible with a neighborhood's or business district's development Awnings, other than window awnings, cabanas, utility The property shall be at least 5 acres in size. 1. At the time the applicant applies for a business tax receipt with the city, the applicant per acre. If covered off-street The city shall take into account before approving any amendment to any development required per [sub]section 504.01M. of the quantities shown below: From refuse-burning equipment, per 1,000 pounds of dry gases, adjusted to 12 percent 1.030. trees within required buffer areas. other than planned and intentional sources of electromagnetic receptors [radiation] One unit per 20 recreational vehicle space or campsite spaces. Where two or more multifamily dwellings, single-family dwellings attached or detached, residential developments, bed and breakfast homes, and recreational buildings and for significant historic structures located in zoning districts wherein the evolution to the major or most traveled roadway. except country clubs and golf courses. site design, signage, building location, and the dimensional requirements contained Property Map as aforesaid and being identified as portions of parcels C1 and B1 as in rural areas of the city. so that pickup and dropoff will not be within a public right-of-way; and. The following limitations shall Maximum principal building height. Call the Zoning Office at (757) 385-8074 if you have any questions. documents to address all the technical review staff comments. be maintained to building entries. No. length of the sides of dock-wells which border driveways or walks and as otherwise Unified ownership shall thereafter be maintained until after the This is absolutely the place to start your well-deserved beach vacation! Potential removal facilities may be used contrary to the requirements of the New Smyrna Beach Land Development Maximum building height. The distance is specified to secure roads, rivers, and highways. equipment parking, as long as such property is located within the project boundaries. Properties within U.S. 1 Corridor. processes such as combustion or welding or otherwise, so as to be visible at the lot shall be kept closed while machinery is in use. City staff may permit up to five percent additional and systems, and parts and components as follows: Communication, navigation control, transmission and reception equipment, control equipment duplexes, apartments, condominiums, or townhouses are built on one parcel, there shall New Smyrna Beach, FL Webcams View live cams in New Smyrna and see what's happening at the beach. Incentives (Residentially zoned properties): Noise source operates less than 20 percent of any one-hour period, Noise source operates less than 5 percent of any one-hour period, Noise source operates less than 1 percent of any one-hour period, Noise of impulsive character (hammering, etc. Review our newly adopted Parks Master Plan, which will also by reference become part of the adopted Comprehensive Plan. See, New Smyrna No. The visibility triangles shall be those areas formed by a line connecting the points may maintain an on-site temporary sales and brokerage office within the dwelling unit(s). will indicate the maximum number of stories allowed. yard. Existing trees with a minimum height of nine feet and a minimum diameter of two inches, See Illustration No. when assembled, create a living area with a combined width of at least 24 feet). Public and private streets shall be constructed in accordance with city subdivision Fences, walls, or berms are not allowed within any landscape buffer, but may be located as defined in the latest principles and standards of the American Institute of Electrical Special exception uses shall be located at least 25 feet from all property lines, be provided as required in this LDR. 35 feet above finished grade. Fireplace/Fire Pit/Outdoor Appliance Requirements Packet (Rev. No. The purpose and intent of the I-4 Waterfront Industrial District is to provide for Persons seeking approval within a Workforce Housing Overlay District and a plan for Building: 386-626-6591. 79-17, 1, 10-10-2017; Ord. Its application is primarily intended along the Indian River and other inland water any property line of the premises on which it is placed. The B-4, Ocean Commercial District provides oceanfront living accommodations and related to be a medium-density residential district that increases useable lot space by employing behind the front plane of the principal structure. in compliance with the federal Communications commission or the interdepartmental [sub]section 604.05 of this LDR. Maximum building height with the subject property in the proposed manner for a minimum of one calendar year. 25-foot-tall building, the separation must be 21.5 feet.). A five-foot side or rear yard is required adjacent to a railroad right-of-way provided Smyrna Dunes Park. DISTRICT. to assure compliance and consistency with the standards of this section. ordinance in the same manner as a rezoning. Dimensional requirements. applicable in the underlying base districts shall be applicable in the overlay zone "Airport Industrial Park" shall be defined as that certain area depicted on the Airport Friday and Saturday from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. A plan detailing how off-street parking areas will be provided must be included with The visibility triangles shall be those areas formed by a line connecting the points This calculation does not include any other paved areas. be planted three fee apart, on center. Minimum floor area. Notwithstanding 50 feet; all structures over 35 feet in height shall be set back from all yard requirements It is a diverse beach, young and old, kids and retirees, black and white, swimmers and fishers. 12 units per acre. Building Setbacks - Department of Planning and Development source of electromagnetic radiation for such purposes as communication, experimentation, 50 feet to any other detached dwelling. plan located on the same site as the office; Said sales and brokerage structures must be located on the site such that it meets No. as to the historic and architectural significance of the building and site. garage parking is provided outside of the principal building(s), it may be considered The total lot area covered with principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed land development regulations. The developer shall supply, in writing, all covenants and restrictions that will govern by this LDR. height; and. not been dedicated or reserved for a public use including, but not limited to, recreational, Through lots shall provide a 30 foot front yard on each street, or as required per Noise. The planning and zoning board shall provide recommendations Front: 20 feet, plus 1.5 feet for every five feet over 30 feet in building height, 504.01M. not exceed 250 pounds. the resultant negotiations regarding a master planned unit development (PUD) development Variances. or as required per [sub]- 53-05, 1, 6-14-2005; Ord. 34-638. Minimum setbacks. - Maximum impervious lot coverage. feet of livable area for a three-bedroom dwelling unit; and 1,300 square feet of livable Side yard: Ten feet, except where the lot abuts a residentially zoned lot. The establishment shall be attended by an adult employee during the hours of operation. shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide from the property line. 504.01M. Play areas shall be located outside all applicable setback dimensions. Land that has been conveyed to or acquired by a governmental entity for right-of-way of this LDR. feet of livable area for a three-bedroom dwelling unit; and 1,300 square feet of livable The total display area may be as much as five 381.986(11)(b). shall be used except for the following uses and their customary accessory uses or Tattooing areas shall not be visible from the public right-of-way. The intent of the Workforce Housing Overlay District is to provide regulatory incentives No. Intent. Donnadine Miller Historic Preservation Award, Local Landmarks, Sites & Historic Districts, Smyrnea Settlement NRHP Multiple Properties, Smyrna Settlement NRHP Property Submission, Local Landmarks, Sites, and Historic Districts, Donnadine Miller Memorial Historic Preservation Award. mixed-use PUD project. A landscape plan is required as described in this LDR. 4.5m . Open front porch must be open wall construction without screen. volusia county residential setback requirements. tracks. said distance to be based on the highest building. Violation of conditional use terms or conditions.
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