autism polygenic risk scores attached to Tinder profiles The mothers of red-green colorblind individuals are frequently tetrachromats. She hoped to use this theory to explore why some autistics show delayed language acquisition. These three buckets and a few other less important factors combine to determine autism risk for any individual. Because he was as skilled as me, and had real muscles. But by intelligence mean the ability of a complex system (a brain) to operate effectively; so being smart is much more similar to being able to run really fast or having a good immune system.. But every so often, somebody tries to do . What's the difference between autism and attachment disorder? First, doesnt the note say that the bottom graph (for each letter) is the likelihood that a father of x IQ will have a child with the specified outcome? (Note that if autism is really one thing [not a complex syndrome], with high and normal functioning individuals, and high vs normal correlates with IQ, then if you only measure the normal autistics, youd get results like the above, due to sampling bias. So the genes are a correlation but not a cause of the autism, which is due to factors incidentally related to the high IQ, for example the advanced age of the parents? My outside view intuition is that gut bacteria are the new priming and also literally HTTLPR. Revenge can be fun just ask Taylor Swift! Any gene that increases A in a normal human makes that human more intelligent by pushing A closer to 10. Optimizing a complicated biological machinery thing to do whatever intelligence is most likely a very difficult thing for that machine to do. There are a lot more pathways to leveraging raw intelligence to acquire economic status now than there used to be, but very few that get you all the way to the point that youre fully safe from the tribe (since the tribe is now the nation and is thus also much stronger now). a decline in IQ scores, in Norway, Denmark, Australia, Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, France and German-speaking countries,[4] a development which appears to have started in the 1990s, the Flynn effect has ended for the majority in developed nations, Research that has examined whether g factor and IQ gains from the Flynn effect are related have found there is a negative correlation between the two. Autism, rationality and intelligence. I think the study chosen to show low IQ is really common in autism is a really weird one, and probably a sampling issue. Or rather, that the concept of Asperger autism is more related to giftedness, and not to autism. There could be something similar going on with autism. i do wish you wouldnt use the phrase autism risk. This post is missing a discussion of the changing meaning of autism. This reminds me of something a past friend mentioned. Some good story make much more in our appreciation of who is a genius than anything else. 6 6 6 6 6 marries 6 6 6 6 6, decent chance of getting a 9 9 8 7 9 stone cold genius. Slate Star Codex was a blog by Scott Alexander about human cognition Press J to jump to the feed. Autism prevalence increase, Deisseroth's "Projections", systems The odds of him actually having Narcissistic Personality Disorder or any kind of Autistic Spectrum Disorder are close to 0. Question the second. Polimanti and Gelemter (2017) find that autism risk genes arent just sticking around. I think somewhere in the 90s percentile of IQ is plausibly normal by SSC standards. Autism And Intelligence: Much More Than You Wanted To Know Overall scores could continue to rise due to the Flynn effect even as intelligence is being selected against on a genetic level, which is what the evidence is suggesting. If the mums with low functioning autistic children, the ones I spoke to described the fathers as losers or deadbeats. We start with a presentation of a summary of the article, and then discuss in a friendly atmosphere. This is not the whole story, and even cases of autism that are caused entirely or mostly by normal genetics are associated with unusually low IQ (80% confidence), 5. I. I didnt understand why you left out the actual finding, which seems to be an important fact to note. the Council for Evidence-Based Psychiatry in the UK on the lack of validity of diagnostic categories in psychiatry So the technically autistic community could well be more intelligent on average than the general population, with the people who are actually labeled autistic being a particularly low-functioning subset of that population. 1), in which the genetic architecture of ASD seems to be different from one individual to another (Huguet et al. What are the percentages of children who fall in each group? Four things that make one delicious combination. This model predicts something I believe is true many low functioning autistic people have real talents lurking in there, it is just really hard for them or others to access those talents because of all the broken stuff. Even if intelligence where a little lower we would have a lot more genius given the increase in population. 3. The suggested results for selection against IQ are just in recent industrial time. If Ronemus isnt missing some obscure de novo mutations, then people who get autism solely by accumulation of common (usually IQ-promoting) variants still end up less intelligent than average. I had a professor once whose research thesis was basically this applied to language. People running an emulation of normal are usually not staggeringly intelligent. Or in the case of plants, their leaf structures are generated by a fractal pattern, and even small changes in the parameters of that fractal cause large changes in the ultimate pattern in a way that is chaotic and difficult to predict. Agreed. Like, if you have one copy of a particular high-IQ gene you get high IQ, but two copies of that gene is too much of a good thing and you get autism? A couple of property developers Ive worked with. More generally, to relate to those people around you who are also bright. Aspergers was definitionally distinguished from autism due to a lack of the cognitive deficits associated with that condition, but in 2013, the DSM-5 folded it into autism spectrum disorders, so this could make it difficult to analyse the genes of high function autistics if that was the mistake I believe it was. Combining information from a wide variety of studies, Gaugler et al estimate that about 52% of autism risk is attributable to ordinary familial genes, 3% to rare de novo mutations, 4% to complicated non-additive genetic interaction effects, and 41% unaccounted, which may be non-genetic factors or genetic factors we dont understand and cant measure. Indeed, higher survival rates over time might also explain why were seeing a real increase in the number of autistic children over time more of them are living long enough to be diagnosed with autism in the first place. Given the problems measuring IQ in autistic people (spiky profiles, huge differences between ravens vs. weschler) its also possible that intellectual disabilities are overreported at 15%. Increased parental age correlates with autism risk, AIUI. Many such cases with Aspergers (me too), whereas for high functioning autism the deficit is inverted for processing vs visuo-spatial. Each genes benefit is based on underlying assumptions about how the body works, and if you change enough of those assumptions, the entire edifice becomes a failure. And, being a fairly intelligent person himself, he agreed that it didnt make much sense, but it didnt change that fact that he was able to overpower equally muscular people through sheer force in the ring. We have another child who shows no autistic traits. Anecdote is not data, which overwhelmingly show a negative correlation between IQ and fertility. Not just running an emulation of normal to deal with other people? Hence the need to go along with pointless social rituals. Doing some [fundamental] discovery is harder and harder. I am simply saying that when you encounter lots of GS11+ people they are exactly like Comey. We cant do much about the genetic or random developmental stuff, but we can make sure most of the things that have stunted peoples intelligence over time go away. But many do it for positive outcomes versus negative pressure, which is how I interpreted your question. You tell them that the study that tried to address that question suggests that they are between one point one and one point two times as likely; in other words, at least 83-90% of their chance to have autistic children is baseline. Blacks have an infant mortality rate more than twice as high as whites do. Take these away and you arrive at something that seems like an effortless confidence and freedom. Theres no reason to assume that every intelligence-enhancing trait necessarily increases weirdness. And so, wed expect that not every person blessed with a strong combination of intelligence-enhancing traits is going to have an excess of weirdness that they have to brute-force emulate their way around. 2016, p. 118), and there are many individually varied connections between brain and behavior (Kennedy et al. * Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it. These mutations are often very bad, and are quickly selected out of the gene pool (because the people who have them dont reproduce). And of course theres always survivor bias. and they seem just as likely to have unplanned children as less intelligent people with equally bad impulse control. Kindof like we could genetically engineer all people to be tetrachromats. (Or did, 20+ years ago when I last took an IQ test.) Many people she knew, she said, felt duped by psychiatrists, for example, who they felt. I was getting my disorders mixed up, yes, but this is the one I was thinking of. Autism measures may miss more women with autism.. Avoidance of social situations. She pointed out that there are a couple widely-used kinds of IQ test. Go up a level and you can mash a bunch of sequential notes on a piano with one left out of the middle and they can tell you the highest note, lowest note, and the one you left out. We were grouped with autistic including low functioning autistics. As a result, we could have similar imbalances. My parents were optometrists. [3] This would explain low-functioning autism from de novo mutations or obstetric trauma (the foundation is so weak that it fails no matter how short the tower is). Superficially, this seems more plausible to me than the tower vs. foundation model, especially since its type of phenomenon we already observe for better-understood things the brain does, e.g. We're always hiring talented programmers, traders, and researchers and have internships and fulltime positions in New York, London, and Hong Kong. This requires a strongly non-linear sensitivity to hyperparameters, which is unusual for the fitness w.r.t. A link between Tay-Sachs gene and intelligence. That said, I too doubt the extreme male brain hypothesis in a general sense, although it may be true in a more limited sense (where autism consists of more masculine features for certain parts of the brain, but not all of them). (my son was a Caesarian delivery) but that was because his head (=brain?) What are some autism tests that are accurate and specific? If the extreme male brain hypothesis is true, then those girls have unusually masculinized brains. As an AI researcher, this actually seems pretty intuitive for me. So in that sense, maybe its just a phrasing problem. A lot of the super smart people I know also seem super interesting either being very funny, uniquely talented, or engaging. You dont need a tower-and-foundation model to explain how both higher than usual prevalence of intelligence-associated genes in autistic individuals and extremely intelligent non-autistic people. Naive, narcissistic, completely detached from human interaction. however, ASD without these two confounders shows no correlation with IQ. She has absolute pitch, [] an amazingly high proportion of her autistic students have it to some degree. This correlation may not be very high though, because genes often code for a lot of different things at the same time so the mental illness may affect a different hyperparameter than the one that makes the parents smart. My personal bet would be that different sorts of mutations associated with autism could be slotted into abstract prior-mapping-affecting categories manifesting through tiny quirks of cellular chemistry, and some degree of interplay between them and those that affect general nervous tissue metabolism and anatomy might also be the case. Of 11 types of psychiatric condition, only autism was associated with increased intelligence among relatives. And intelligence, being a function of the brain itself rather than directly of the genes that generate it, would in this analogy depend more directly on something more like the shape of the plants leaves than the internal fractal parameters that generate it. This probably calls for some elaboration. In other words, if your perceptual intelligence is much higher than your other types of intelligence, you will end up autistic. Interestingly, this one addresses the P>V, and V>P subtypes and suggests: children with ASD did not show the commonly understood characteristic profile on the WISC either in terms of PIQ-VIQ discrepancy or in terms of peak skills on particular WISC subtests. Metaculus is a platform for generating crowd-sourced predictions about the future, especially science and technology. This has nothing to do with the OP, but I will definitely comment on your wrestling example, as a wrestler. If I suggest autism is effectively what we call people whose mental resolution (in the sense of pixels per inch) is too high, would that make sense to you? If the IQ/autism risk genes are being selected for, we should be seeing more top-level geniuses each generation (Im very skeptical of this) and more autistic children (this half checks out). [1] I assume most such genes do something way more complicated and hard to measure, but head circumference makes a nice example trait. The specific way the model plays out may be through perceptual intelligence out of balance with verbal and rotational intelligence causing autism (3% confidence), (The post is awesome, heres a few errata, feel free to delete this after reading.) Has anyone here actually met a highly intelligent person who is genuinely normal? They also have higher rates of having children with multiple partners. It would be better to try for more precision/clarification concerning the form of social or linguistic impairment you are concerned about and investigate that. And we know that theres differential infant mortality rates. That should give us more geniuses, but not a shift in the distribution where now we get a Gauss/von Neumann/Newton/Kant/Einstein born in every town. The DSM-5 change was a mistake in my view because high functioning autism and AS genuinely seem to be quite different in structure, and it seems as though there were some low level political motivations for folding them together (see upthread). Thats probably how he got to that level. When she was three, she had symptoms of autism. In this model, theres a ceiling to your intellectual ability thats set by each of those components. Of the 5 relatives, how many are males? How much effort do people, particularly young people, put into being normal that is, into fitting in? (Always Sunny parodied this phenomenon with Mac, who only works out his glamour muscles.). Also, it doesnt really look like autistic people are worse at mental rotation. By and large, they find conversations with non-genius people extremely boring, because they can predict exactly what the other person will say long before he says it. A strong preference for routine. If so, wed expect a much higher rate of female-to-male transgender identity among people on the autism spectrum who, ah, lack that Y chromosome. Figuring out the causes of neurotypicality in intelligent people would go a long way, but its hard even to measure how neurotypical a given smart person is. There are maybe as many as 1000 of them in the Western world, and none of them would want to ever hang out with us because they are smart enough to know that their time would be better spent managing their billion-dollar corporations and/or governments. My wife also has a university degree, her father was an engineer and his 3 siblings had careers in operations research, research scientist, school principal. A 120 year old comes into my office and asks what her risk of death next year is. Every autism case is caused by some combination of these three factors, and the more it is caused by normal genes, the more intelligence is likely to be preserved (~100% confidence), 4. Non-genetic factors. Two of our three kids had extremely large heads as babies. Compare to this study based on the scottish census data. This friend had been working for many years with Leroy Hood. Im somewhere on the autism spectrum and have high levels of anxiety. They've also got a blog about what they're doing here. Coming up with elaborate speculations as to why a unitary autism would be characterized by wildly divergent and contradictory symptoms (like being very bright and perceptive and being completely non-verbal and unable to learn) just leads you further down the rabbit hole. Thats exactly what we observe here. There are different levels of the concept we call perfect pitch. Either way, I dont think you can have one without the other above a certain level.

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