potential love tarot spread

Theyre hard to see now, but one day you will look back and see that this destruction and hurt made way for something better.. Are you more of a friend or a lover to them? Both mine and his family is relatively female heavy; we have a lot of women in our family. Holding a firm belief in fairness and cosmic justice, Libra always makes the utmost effort to maintain a sense of balance and harmony all around. Here is what the reading looks like: I am going to interpret my spread based on my current relationship using the Tarot card meanings from my Love Tarot Meanings e-book. The first, is obviously the point that this relationship isn't going how I originally thought that it would, which is true. Clearly, because I am constantly being watched, there are a lot of people who know the ins and outs of my life. I am much more keen on labeling my previous relationship as a Tower card. These pulls depend on the specific questions you have after you pull the five cards listed above. Our editors have independently chosen the products listed on this page. Judgement is similar to The World in that it holds severe karmic weight. The overall mood of the Knight of Cups tarot love card is often dreamy, romantic, and idealistic, suggesting the potential for deep emotional connections and creative inspiration. See Spreads, Love Tarot Spread for Singles 1. The Most Significant Types of Love Spreads . For new love, a variation on the five-card tarot spread works well to determine your compatibility. See Spreads, This is NOT a generic automated tarot quiz. If you want to try out different spreads, also check out our article about popular spreads for both beginners and advanced tarot readers and relationship tarot spreads. See Spreads, For example, the Empress might ask you to indulge in pleasurable activities while the Hermit would encourage deeper study of an interest. Here's a spread anyone can do that really gets down to the nitty gritty on something you know a lot about: you! Born into a Romany Gypsy family of fortune tellers, Lisa has always had a passion for psychic development and related subjects. These may be past relationships that still have an effect on either you or them. You feel as though the two of you could make something great and develop into a more serious relationship. Another of the more common topics we'll see being asked about is work. Your 1 card spreads will be delivered straight to your inbox! Heres a spread that helps you understand exactly whats going on. Since the Empress is about nurturing and abundance, use this spread when youre looking to learn how to better Well, that is as far as I am aware but you never know! (Dont know where to start? To learn more about what individual cards mean in a tarot love spread, read our guide to the top tarot cards in love readings! Through her website, she teaches over 1 million yearly visitors how to make divination a lifestyle, not just an occasional practice. We received the Five of Wands for this position; this card can be good or bad depending on your circumstances. Where am I in my search for a partner right now? Your Weekly Tarot Reading for April 30 to May 6, 2023: Say 'Hey' to May! Use this spread The above interpretation makes three very good points, all of which actually do apply to myself and my partner. See Spreads, Surely you have many questions that are of interest to you right now. Grab your free 28-page Tarot For Beginners Guide here: We won't send you spam. Before I was with my current partner (at the start of the year) I had went through a really bad break-up; it was pure hell. These spiritual tarot spreads are designed to do just that. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from State University of New York at Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. See Spreads, If youd like help, I can do a free Tarot reading on your behalf within an hour. She teaches her students how they can communicate with their ancestral spirits and predict their futures through various divination systems. This spread consists of seven cards, each representing a different aspect of your love life. You may be shielding yourself too much. The unknown speaks. Since Temperance is about fusion and balance, use this spread when youre feeling blocked creatively. He is not the type of person who will try to force a relationship. A reading like this would clarify that you could be excellent creative partners but not necessarily romantic partners. Life is progressing at an ever faster rate, and sometimes we can find it hard With a touch of intuition and these illuminating tarot spreads on your side, you'll be able to gain some new insights into your relationships: past, present, and future. Since the Sun is about success, celebration and joy, use this spread when you need a reminder of good GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Tarot card insight: King of Pentacles: Great wisdom. When it appears in the Past spread position, the Love Tarot Meanings predicts that the 4 of Cups means: It is possible that this relationship/potential relationship began out of sheer boredom. . Pay attention to memories or details that may have been overlooked. See Spreads, See Spreads. The High Priestess is a card which most readers find very difficult for interpreting for love readings. See Spreads, Get a preview of how a relationship is likely to develop between you and a new love interest! Mar 22, 2023. You may also wish to pull more cards to gain clarity and advice from the Tarot. The eternal globetrotter, a member of this sign acquires the travel bug by their mere birth under the careful eye of Sagittarius. See Spreads, It is also possible that my current relationship is breaking down without my knowledge. My lover is a very hard worker. You can find out more about Lisa and her work at www.divinerism.com. (This is where we'll send your reading once it's been done. Another way to use tarot cards is by checking in with your partner periodically by using a specific tarot love spread that you choose and return to together. It is an amazing card to receive in a potential love Tarot spread, as it suggests that there is a future for you and this person. However, try not to be too physical too soon, or relationship might become only about sex.. If you're looking for advice around this topic, try starting with a spread here. If I had to pick a few tarot cards that depict the See Spreads, Measure the depths of their love with a spread such as this. "Pulling cards to try to read someone's mind or gain access to something they didn't grant you isn't the most ethical and might be met with resistance or unclear answers," she adds. So, if your relationship makes it to The World phase, it will last forever. The Three-Card Spread can provide a balanced and insightful reading that helps you gain more clarity and understanding of your love life, relationships, or potential soulmate connection. The philosopher of the zodiac, Sagittarius is one of the best loved signs but also among the most difficult to get a hold of when you need them. It's about being charming and alluring, just by being yourself. I feel like the second part of the interpretation, they feel as though they have to fight for my affection, is more accurate for our circumstances. Before performing this spread, center yourself in the present, allowing yourself to concentrate solely on the Tarot. The perfect social butterfly, Gemini is an Air sign endowed will all the charms and graces this element can provide. Carl Jung himself, who classified the human psyche as having three parts: the ego, the personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious, described archetypes as being highly developed elements of something Did you quarrel with a loved one and wish that both of you could resolve the conflict? If the three-card spread raises some questions for you, pulling two additional cards can provide clues or ideas to clarify whats going on. That means when the full moon is in this sign, we will be called upon Instead, the primary lesson to learn from MAY 1, 2023 - Pluto turns retrograde in Aquarius today. See Spreads. Therefore, I have dragged the partnership a bit and went much slower than I normally would. See Spreads, Along the way, there are many obstacles, trials, surprises and lessons that they must go through. . . See Spreads, The Moon is a card of ethereal living (makes so much sense that its connected to Pisces, right?). I'm currently live now doing readings. It signifies what you currently feel about your relationship, your approach, and your outlook. It'll only take a few moments. Here is a quick guide to help you understand what some of the more intense cards are saying in a love spread. See Spreads, So, find a comfortable space to get settled, give your deck a cleanse and a shuffle, and let's begin. This Love life Tarot spread is often crucial as it presents the Will that you consider most important, the Will of the Universe and the entire World. Explore the Wheel of Fortune major arcana tarot card with this tarot spread. The Love Tarot Spread has 15 spread positions which I have chosen specifically for the task of giving the most detail on a relationship or potential relationship. In the New Testament, we read about Simon the magician (sorcerer) in Acts 8:11-23.Simon sees the Apostles' acts and decides he would like the same power, so he offers Peter . It may also spell out your biggest lesson in love or larger themes you must overcome. This is a love Tarot reading you'll want to run again and again as your romantic situation grows and changes over time. Approach your romantic life with confidence. See Spreads, These tarot spreads are here to pinpoint what we are meant to learn and how to grow from them. "You can call on your intuition, the universe, or any guides you work with to help you choose and interpret your cards in your highest and best interest," Vanderveldt adds. How my friends see me. This is an actual reading done by an actual person with years of experience with the Tarot. It can be helpful to have a few tarot tricks to address your needs when relationships are troubled or ending. When it appears in the Present spread position, the Love Tarot Meanings predicts that The Sun card means: The Sun can represent a time of happiness together. If youre single, this could mean that youll make a new connection soon! Its time to learn more When we are asking the cards about matters of the heart, there are important cards to look out for. Try not to shrug off anything you'd rather not face as you ask these questions: Of course, if you're in a relationship, one of the biggest questions you might have is, Where is this going? Explore the Devil major arcana tarot card with this tarot spread. Me and my lover will be attending parties, baptisms, weddings etc. The members of the sign are highly sensitive and empathic When the going is really tough, you might need a tarot spread to analyze the problem and, in some cases, prepare for an ending. When the full moon arrives in Aquarius, were going to be facing issues of identity and independence. What personal growth do I need to focus on to address relationship issues? True love spread 6 cards - true love spread method gives information about: #1 - The first card represents you. When it appears in the Hopes spread position, the Love Tarot Meanings predicts that this card means: You hope that your intuition is correct. Virgo is know to be methodical and highly analytical, taking great pleasure in good organization. As the card of Venus, it can suggest that your partner is all about you. You may feel as if there is love brewing, but this is not reality. In the past few months, I have felt a need to add two cards to the square when doing love Tarot readings and then one day the penny dropped: each of the card positions corresponds to Major Arcana 1-11, with the Hierophant as the . True proof of love would be important to you. Explore the Star major arcana tarot card with this tarot spread. I then performed the reading. They have not chosen for certain the person which they want to be with long-term. This could represent a soulmate or even a twin flame (theres a difference!). Learn more about Lisa here. In this coming week, well be witness to the New Moon in Leo, which encourages us to focus on igniting our inner fires. 2. Even in a love reading, the cards can point you in another direction! Potential love spread - Custom tarot cards spreads Potential love spread Custom tarot cards spreads Potential love spread Questioning about your potential love interest? And, if youre interested in Tarot Spreads, I also have a Love Tarot Spreads e-book with 50 card spreads for every possible relationship situation imaginable. As Temperance, you are balanced and secure. However, I guess that having such a detailed reading is probably down to having the right Tarot spread for the job as I do here! This person could be a crush, someone you flirt with online, or someone youve been on a couple dates with. See Spreads, Tarot). When appearing in a Tarot reading, it often suggests that things are not what they seem. Shuffle the deck while asking, is there potential love between me and (name). When you feel ready, fan the deck and pick out six cards. The Hierophant card in the center represents lessons learned, with the potential for higher wisdom and spiritual growth.This may come through traditional relationship structures or unconventional relationships that challenge us to expand our understanding of love. It wouldnt be Jupiters card if it didnt bring in some luck or serendipitous situations, right? Card 1: You. Eternal thirst for knowledge is one of the main traits of the Gemini. Being ruled by Saturn, The World enjoys creating lifelong structure. Explore the Sun major arcana tarot card with this tarot spread. Many of us have pulled the three of swords, a card of heartbreak, at one point in our lives and sighed, Of course.. See Spreads, What is the most aligned action you can start taking today? Has it come out of its hiding place? You pull the Six of Cups and your partner pulls the Hermit. You have the possibility to do so. If you want to decide by yourself then make use of this free tarot reading interactive about your love life. By performing a potential love Tarot spread, we can work out our own feelings towards this person and what they might feel about us. The 3rd position in the Love Tarot Spread reveals my feelings for my lover. If you have started to date someone or wish to know the future between you and your crush, there are loads of ways Tarot can help you. Explore the High Priestess major arcana tarot card with this tarot spread. What is the state of our relationship right now? We have just the thing. Sit down somewhere comfortable and clear your space with a journal at the ready. Lisa Boswell is an award-winning divination teacher. Since the Emperor is about structures and protection, use this spread when youre working on setting boundaries, and protecting Eclipses represent moments of deep, transformational change - the kind of change that shakes you to your core. The three-card reading is also an option if you want a quick and simple spread. It is associated with Leo, the natural romantic of the zodiac, so theres a sense that every great love is worth fighting for! Future Love Spread. There may also be a desire to keep the relationship a secret.. Ask your Love Potential Tarot for insight and advice on making it work. The Celtic Cross spread is one of the most popular and versatile tarot spreads, especially for love readings. You can apply this to all aspects of your love life, whether you're searching for love, trying to understand a blossoming relationship, or looking for answers on an existing relationship with your . The best way to go about learning the tarot is by doing readings for yourself everyday. This spread works wonders for situationships or platonic relationships that youd like to see blossom into something more romantic. Your FREE Astrology Sex, Love and Attraction Guide. But what if we told you that you could bypass the whole process and get a free love tarot reading by pulling your own cards? The Meaning of a Karmic Relationship. To reflect on your practice, consider keeping a journal of your cards. I both hope that my intuition is correct (that my partner is not an asshole) and I also wish to keep the relationship a secret. It is most likely to possess mastery of the dark arts, the Close your eyes and ground into your body, observing your senses, she says. Depending on which zodiac sign the new moon falls in, we are all meant to learn a specific lesson during that cycle. See Spreads, I'll be doing your reading myself and sending you the results. What is . Just pick up your tarot deck, shuffle, and draw cards from a love tarot spread below. However, these pulls could also start a really interesting conversation about what those desires really mean. The fourth card pulled represents any past influences affecting the potential of love between you and this person. Perhaps, you want to go to the next level?. We respect your privacy. Below I am going to perform a real reading on myself and a guy I have been seeing (with his permission). The Sun: Represents a happy, loving relationship. The above interpretation sends up red flags for me because I think that I do give my partner the impression that they are just someone I can spend time with, and that I am not thinking about the two of us sharing a future together. Self-love tarot spreads help us tap into our strengths and joys. Demystifying the Divine Feminine What Is It and Why Do We Need it? Self love and acceptance is one of the most important, foundational aspects of having a healthy psyche, and yet, its one of the most difficult abilities to master. Since the Wheel of Fortune is about cycles and change, use this spread when you need to Explore the Lovers major arcana tarot card with this tarot spread. The Higher Love Tarot Spread. And if you are just a beginner and learning to read tarot cards, then doing it regularly will benefit you as it demands regular practice. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs is one of the most well-known theories in psychology regarding human behavior and what motivates our actions. Are you nourished? In 2014, employees in Its about being charming and alluring, just by being yourself. Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, a registered yoga instructor, and an avid astrologer and tarot reader. See Spreads. Plus, it can be used as a crush tarot spread as well - to gain some more intuitive insight on a potential relationship. Doing so allows us to be in the right place for love. Scorpio is the witch of the horoscope, both in the good and the bad sense of the word. For this placement, my partner and I received the 8 of Swords, which is a pretty standard for a phobia position. It is a part of us. When in a reversed position, the person may be feeling overwhelmed by the relationshipor even suffocated. The following spreads from tarot reader and founder of Witchy WellnessLeah Vanderveldt can be used to assess a current relationship and gain insight into a future one. You may wish to perform a different spread after this potential love Tarot spread to explore these past influences and what you can do to overcome them. As you pull, think of your partner and you together, trying to remain as unbiased as possible. This UN ambassador of peace will go out of their way (for miles) to solve Open your heart for the good answers of the cards. The final position of this spread looks at the future or outcome of the relationship. Whats not working so well in the relationship? When youre pulling cards in a love spread, those karmic Major Arcana cards might be more confusingparticularly if the spread is about your own relationship! Thirdly, the fertility issues is at the back of my mind. Pull three cards for the first row and lay them out in order: Pull another three-card row for your partner. Use this Love Tarot Card Spread to evaluate the quality and characteristics of your physical, mental and spiritual/emotional connections with your lover. Focusing on the potential for future love, this 7-card Tarot reading spread is ideal for singles or anyone seeking more fulfillment from an existing partnership. Since Strength is about compassion and confidence, use this spread when youre having a hard time seeing possibilities or Since the Magician is about willpower and manifestation, use this spread when you want to exert your will on See Spreads, As with any full moon, its When appearing in a potential love Tarot spread, the Moon suggests that your relationship with this person may be an illusion. See Spreads. See Spreads, Often enough, you can find a Major Arcana card for a particular problem you're currently facing. The Aim position (spread position 9) represents the things which I should aim for when looking for a relationship. For some people, love is synonymous with heartbreak. If you have another person in mind (a potential love interest or partner), a three-card tarot spread is a great option. 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potential love tarot spread

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