the role of information and communication technology in globalization

Globalization. Low-cost online platforms have been established to educate the students regardless of where they are. Register to receive personalised research and resources by email. Sharing of ideas, information, goods, and services through globalization is also possible because of advances in communication technology and the media. The government will then need to raise the required funding to carry out the program effectively. Countries like Italy usually face considerably high education challenges and might be hindered from attaining the 2030 goal. Figure 1. This was done by analyzing the correlation between computer performance and general performance among grade VI students from 10 schools in Ravenna, Italy. The presence of older communication technology such as radio or television in people's lives does not have the same significance that it once did, although it still plays a role. The main task in achieving sustainable education for all by 2030 has been converting the education environment into more learner-centered (Snchez et al., 2011). The term ICT is largely used as an extension of or synonymously to information technologies (IT). The variance analysis (ANOVA) was used to test for the significance of regression results. Eight out of every ten schools must have school administrators integrate ICT in administration and management efforts. Google Scholar De la Torre, J./Moxon, R. W. (2001): Introduction to the Symposium E-Commerce and Global Business: The Impact of the Information and Communication Technology Revolution on the Conduct of International Business. ICT is an increasingly powerful tool used to teach, learn, and perform assessments in the education sector; thus, changes and reforms must achieve sustainable education for all. Through ICT, there have been drastic changes in various fields, such as in energy and manufacturing. In developing our framework, we considered four important dimensions relevant to socioeconomic development: society, technology, business, and policy. The Chilean government program has been aiming to reduce the 28 students per computer mark since 2006 (Blignaut, 2010). This shows that the two data sets (students computer performance and general performance) can be analyzed using linear statistical methods to establish their correlation. He also holds an MBA from the School of Entrepreneurship and Management at CUE in association with the University of Teeside, UK. This will be followed by a methodology where data analysis will be conducted. Specifically, the paper reports on a study of potential differences in organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) of female and male IT professionals in Poland and Germany. Further, the correlation coefficient between computer performance and general performance was r = 0.921. In particular, the integration of ICT in schools. The results indicate that positive effects of using the co-design methodology are more substantial than reported in the literature. [18] Kubler, S., Robert, J., Derigent, W., Voisin, A., & Le Traon, Y. Because ICT equipment is prone to failure if not used correctly, a support facility must be set up to assist schools and teachers. According to a United Nations report (2010) from the Department for Economic and Social Affairs, the European region population has increased by 800 million people in 18 years between 2000 and 2018. Computers & Education, 56(3), 911-915. Did you know that with a free Taylor & Francis Online account you can gain access to the following benefits? Developing new theories or using existing theories is particularly valuable, as much of the research on socioeconomic development is currently lacking theoretical lenses (Sein etal., Citation2018). The ten schools used for the study were randomly selected from 110 schools (private and public schools). The main purpose of this paper is to explore the role of globalization on society and in particular, the impact of globalization on the business environment. Although the concept of socioeconomic development' is widely applied in research and in practice, its meaning may not always be clear. The government has helped the schools design their customized education projects, which have further catapulted these ICT projects' success. To analyze our data, we started by cleaning our data to ensure no outliers (Aristovnik, 2012). With this, most countries aim to deliver lifelong learning efforts to tuck on the various educational areas ranging from technical to vocational education and training. Computers in the Schools, 25(1-2), 112-125. ICT have changed the way in which we communicate with each other, how we find needed information, work, conduct business, interact with government agencies, and how we manage our social lives. To achieve this, we examined the impact of ICT on Italian education and whether Italys implementation impacts students' performance. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 13(4), 63-73. The regression analysis result displayed in the regression statistic table shows that the correlation between computer performance and Italy's general performance is 0.921. Second, it enhances international competitionincluding as a result of the . Educational Media International, 45(3), 195-213. in their paper in this special issue, while also touching upon multiple stakeholder perspective, emphasize the need for investigation of multicultural considerations. mirandanet. During the years 2011-2012, the average number of computers available for 100 students was 6. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 3(2), 113-122. From the ANOVA, the correlation between computer performance and students' general performance in Italy is significant. This increases trade relations between . In this era globalization was centered around countries. It suggests that the Internet has a mainly positive impact on four main factors: economic growth, as witnessed by economic productivity; social well-being, including health, education, and the alleviation of poverty; political well-being, viz. The Palvia etal. There are the impacts of the four dimensions on socioeconomic development, then there are the impact relationships between the four dimensions, and lastly, as discussed earlier, there are relationships between constructs within each of the four dimensions. [2] Fu, J. Globalization makes international communication and business management easier and efficient for the world trade. No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. He is an associate editor of the journal Information Technology for Development, book review editor of the Journal of Information System Security, and a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Economics and Management. Schools were randomly selected from 110 schools in Ravenna in which both public and private schools were included in the list for study. Computers in the Schools, 23(1-2), 73-84. ICT has been seen as a critical factor that expands access to education because, with it, education can occur at any time and anywhere. The data for this study is collected by a survey with 313 respondents, conducted in Bahrain. These expenditures on education and health, for example, are frequently difficult to distinguish from consumption (Schultz, Citation1961). However, socioeconomic development is a continuous process, taking place in all countries and societies, and ICT is likely having an impact in all these contexts, though the type and degree of development may differ. This value is derived from the fact that there is less physical input; there is an increase in life quality. [14] McCombs, B. L. (2010). The papers in this special edition all deal with the role that ICT play in various aspects of society and socioeconomic development, such as in education and training, administration, organizational relationships, project management, delivery of services, and medical care. On the administrative and ICT infrastructure prospect challenges that have been faced as listed by, most administrators in the education system will focus more on the quantity of the education content being provided rather than on the ICT usage. In this regard, as suggested by Jacobs etal. The Effects of Globalization on Global Communication. Our experts can deliver a Communication Technology and Globalization essay tailored to your instructions for only $13.00 $11.05/page 308 qualified specialists online Learn more They listed a recommendation that showcased it was vital to provide teachers with evidence that the impact of ICT on education has positive implications; this is done by providing models and examples of existing real-life scenarios for use in the class exercises. Castells Citation (2000) is notable in his description of globalization to be fueled by information technology in what characterizes this current technological revolution is not the centrality of knowledge and information but the application of this knowledge and information to knowledge-generating and information-processing devices. The study in this paper analyses the impact of growth in communication technology on globalization. [9] Shaikh, Z., A., & Khoja, S. A. Then research results will be followed by a discussion and finally the conclusion of this research. (2014). Information and Communication Technology are used to control people around the world. We also looked at overlaps in reported relationships between the various frameworks, as these overlaps boost the certainty inherent in the relationships. However, conceptual frameworks that simultaneously focus on social as well as economic aspects of development are rare. The need for more research into the role of age in the process of ICT acceptance is also expressed in papers in the current special issue. The reason that most of the frameworks and research on this topic are in the context of less developed economies is likely because these economies seem to be in greater need for socioeconomic development. The role of global entities, such as international organizations and multinational corporations (MNCs) in socioeconomic development, is particularly interesting. Communications Technology With the Internet, telecommunications, broadband, cell phone technology, handheld wireless mobile devices and other communication technology, geographically dispersed workers can now interact and collaborate as though they all were located together in a downtown high-rise. However, while these technologies and services may . Computers & Education, 55(4), 1552-1563. Within the business dimension, we differentiate between what is going on, i.e. Working with adolescents living in internally displaced peoples camps in Mindanao, Art, Development and Peace. (2) Market analysis using a business model of higher education. Another weakness may be that it does not explicitly show the relationships between government policy, business culture, and business environment. Learners have been in a position that has enabled them to make timely and informed decisions and adopt responsible measures. The arrival of the mainstream internet in the 1990s expanded business capabilities and the role of information systems to a global system of interaction. In most of the prior research carried out on the impact of technology in education, researchers have pointed out that technology-enhanced learning has facilitated knowledge and skill acquisition. We would also like to thank Sajda Qureshi, ITD Editor-in-Chief, for her guidance throughout the process and making this special issue possible. This has been vital since they also prepare the individuals to access further employment opportunities as most countries like Italy focus on attaining the sustainable education goal. The two data sets (ICT performance and general performance) showed linear correlation as shown by the best line of fit in the scatter plot from the scatter plot. This is a bottom-up approach to the plan. Population ageing is a global phenomenon that will continue to affect all regions of the world (Harper, Citation2014; Tams, Grover, & Thatcher, Citation2014), and may affect the success and contribution of ICT on socioeconomic development. Uttama's framework focuses on the impact of foreign direct investments and is limited to the context of ASEAN countries. Broadly conceived, ICT are understood as a combination of hardware, software and communication networks (Borgmann, Citation2006) that enable electronic information capture, storing, processing, and transfer. The United States is the largest technology market in the world, currently . With most of these countries having a high fertility rate, the number of children is continually increasing, putting pressure on the public system to provide efficient and effective services that touch on essential factors like health and education. Still, it is a continuous process that is lifelong in which the learner will continue seeking knowledge through various sources. ICT lowers costs very much, which is a big plus for the education sector. In the business world, this includes increased trade and investment flows, currency exchange, and the rise of multinational corporations. Information technology is the study and application of computers and any type of telecommunications that store, retrieve, study, transmit, manipulate data and send information. Goode (Citation1959) defines human capital as knowledge, skills, attitudes, aptitudes, and other acquired traits that contribute to production' or specific work, which results in economic value. Attitudinal and behavioral barriers of technology adoption by teachers. In our special issue, the impact of the policy dimension on socioeconomic development is illustrated by Mahmood etal., who describe the effect of transparency and accountability in e-Government on political participation, an important facet of socioeconomic development (Tibben, Citation2015). Business activities are undertakings performed by various entities such as individuals, companies, and institutions, with the potential to create economic gains. Introduction to Globalization 2. (2013). In this dimension, we include three areas for policies that strongly affect socioeconomic development: capital resources/market, international organizations, and government. The business dimension also impacts socioeconomic development directly, as it creates jobs and more income, which leads to higher standards of living (Palvia etal., Citation2018). Putting electric vehicles on the map: A policy agenda for residential charging infrastructure in Canada, The Internet and socio-economic development: Exploring the interaction. According to Henderson (2011), the use and importance of ICT in any country's development efforts cannot be overemphasized in whatever aspect, be it economic, social, or economic. Thus this paper deals with the relationship of technology together with government policy on socioeconomic development. The development has been a highly scrutinized term. The complexity of ICT in education: A critical literature review and its implications. Finally, the eighth paper, Enterprise system implementations in transition and developed economies: differences in project contracting and governance, by Przemysaw Lech, is a view from practice. Hepp and Laval (2000) pointed out that the Italian government has taken a lot from the Chilean government ICT for education initiative, better known as Enlaces, a crucial component in the countries' reform. The framework also is limited in its focus on developing countries and does not claim to be applicable to highly developed societies. Using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to benefit the environment has favored sustainable education, which has helped bring forth responsible and more aware students. A central idea of economic base is that an economy in a given region is supported by the exports to the outside of the region and that this external demand for a region's products drives its economy (Nesse, Citation2014). [8] Frederick, G. R., Schweizer, H., & Lowe, R. (2006). Factors influencing teachers adoption and integration of information and communication technology into teaching: A review of the literature. framework, ICT have enormous effects on social capital, labeled in the framework as social contact, as ICT can be used as a means for staying in touch with family, friends, and business partners. Palvia etal. The study presented here evaluates UNICEF Art for Development Calling all #youth in the #AsiaPacific Region and beyond! suggest the need to research the impact of age on organizational citizenship behavior, and Stal and Paliwoda-Pkosz point out the necessity of researching the role of age in designing and delivering ICT-based educational programs. Information and communication technologies (ICT) play a significant role in all aspects of modern society. The authors also interestingly suggest avoiding the dominating role of ICT specialists. A digital ideas platform to support child-focusedSustainable Development Goals. Do older adults underestimate their actual computer knowledge? An interconnected environment that has allowed for student digital learning to be cultivated has been conceived due to this. Compared with other countries within the EU, Italy has an ICT infrastructure implementation percentage of roughly 6% against the average 37% (Gil-Flores, 2017). As regards ICT acceptance in a mandatory business setting, a particularly interesting research issue is revealed in the paper by Lech, related to aligning an approach to project management and governance with a country's special characteristics. In Nigeria, ICT has even been used to enhance the quality assurance procedures in Nigerian universities. Madon (Citation2000) proposed a conceptual framework that attempts to explain the interaction between the Internet and socioeconomic development in developing countries. These factors are outside of the direct influence of the manager, company owner, or the entrepreneur (Davari, Zehtabi, Negati, & Zehtabi, Citation2012). These socioeconomic developments in turn influence government policy, business culture, and business environment, as well as determine human and social capital. Over the last decades, information and communication technology (ICT) in learning institutions has enhanced learning by greater heights. pdf. framework is that it also shows possible negative impacts of ICT, such as lack of attention (as part of cultural evolution) and criminal use. 5, No. Unconventional monetary and fiscal policies in interconnected economies: Do policy rules matter? OF TEACHER EDUCATION, 85. examining the short- and long-term effects of the proposed considerations. Heinz Roland Weistroffer is a professor of Information Systems in the School of Business at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia, USA. Technology also affects various economic metrics, such as gross domestic product (GDP) (Lee etal., Citation2018). We assert that development takes place in both underdeveloped economies, as well as in highly developed economies, and while the effects of specific factors may vary in the strength and focus of their impact, the general concepts and relationships in our framework still apply. The society dimension includes education, human capital, and social capital. Globalization is a formidable obstacle for operation management. This paper examines the impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) use on economic growth using the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimator within the framework of a dynamic panel data approach and applies it to 159 countries over the period 2000 to 2009. He has published in Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Information Technology for Development, Decision Support Systems, Information Systems Frontiers, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, and European Journal of Operational Research among many other journals, as well as in numerous conference proceedings such as AMCIS, HICCS, and ECIS. It would also be useful to establish a better theoretical foundation to justify the relations in our multi-dimensional framework. The useful measurement and management of ICT costs and benefits. These four dimensions represent independent or explanatory variables, which explain changes in the dependent or response variable, socioeconomic development.

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the role of information and communication technology in globalization

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