swiss agency for development and cooperation email address

Swisscontact works in Rwanda to reduce youth joblessness, increase incomes of agricultural households, encourage entrepreneurship and innovation for a population living in rural and peri-urban surroundings. Head Quarter Country: Swaziland Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Lorystrasse 6a The organisation's market system development approach, referred to as Inclusive Markets addresses the constraints and opportunities of markets for disadvantaged people. The amount received for mandates is around 1,2 million. It was also evident that SMEs were experiencing considerable difficulty in obtaining commercial and investment credits. Swiss Development & Cooperation | Bern Albania - Countries - Site Swiss Cooperation Programme North Macedonia 2021-24 "Rather than a Swiss or Roman initiative, informal diplomacy seemed more European in nature", SwitzerlandVatican: a shared history with many chapters, A dynamic Swiss policy on restitution of illicit assets, Switzerland's unequivocal support for the International Criminal Court, "Switzerland's pioneering role is recognised internationally", "COVID-19 has further accentuated the precarious situations of many migrants", Get to know Switzerland at a travelling pop-up venue or only a click away, The FDFA exercises due diligence on sponsorship, 7 stories from 70 years of Swiss-Chinese relations, Es braucht jetzt die Solidaritt von jedem Einzelnen, War against Ukraine measures taken by the Confederation since 24 February 2022, The 2022 Federal Presidency: key messages and meetings, Celebration of presidential election postponed, New Year's reception of the diplomatic corps, Fifth President of the Swiss Confederation from Ticino, Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC2022) in Lugano, All four stakeholders in Switzerland's international cooperation are active in Ukraine, The origins of the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC2022), AVIS28 Inspiring Switzerland to be ready for the future, National legislation and international framework conditions, Swiss embassies implementing sustainable measures, Leading by example reports from the embassies, Abu Dhabi Certified sustainable interior design, Algiers Mashrabiyas: a model of sustainable architecture in Algeria, Brasilia Solar power in Brazil: sustainable and cost-effective, Canberra A comprehensive sustainability concept implemented in Australia, Harare A pioneer in sustainability with solar energy, Moscow Efficient waste management: small changes with big impacts, Nairobi The new Swiss embassy: a step towards sustainability, New Delhi Cooling with solar energy in India, San Jos Certified sustainability in Costa Rica, Seoul Renewable energy sources for the new embassy, Switzerland, multilateralism and other celebrations in 2019, Geneva Conventions: humanity against war atrocities, FDFA commitment to refugees and migration issues, Swiss protecting power mandates for the United States and Cuba, Swiss efforts to protect children in armed conflicts, 200 years of diplomatic relations between Switzerland and Russia, 150 years of Swiss humanitarian commitment, Aid delivered to displaced persons of South Sudan, War from the Victims' Perspective Photographs by Jean Mohr, The Geneva Conventions in the Federal Archives, Jrg Lauber: We represent clear values., Valentin Zellweger: Geneva is an operational platform., Frequently asked questions: Switzerland and the UN, Switzerland commemorates the victims of the Holocaust, Switzerland's chairmanship of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance in 2017, Activities of Swiss representations abroad during IHRA chairmanship, Switzerland's position on the Middle East conflict, Diplomatic and consular privileges and immunities in Switzerland, The International Geneva Welcome Centre (CAGI), Place of private domicile and place of official residence, Persons admitted as members of the family group, Facilitated access to the Swiss labour market for persons entitled to accompany the principal individual beneficiary, Opening a consular post headed by an honorary consular officer, Consular post headed by a career consular representative (opening, change of category / consular district / address, closure) and exequatur for a career head of a consular post, Acquisition of property by a sending State for official purposes, Acquisition of property by members of personal of diplomatic missions and of career consular posts, Private Household Employees Ordinance (PHEO), of 6 June 2011, in force since 1 July 2011, Visits to Switzerland by foreign dignitaries, Personal Protection Officers accompanying foreign dignitaries in Switzerland, Airport access and facilities granted to staff members of diplomatic and consular representations in Switzerland, Access to aeroplanes for vehicles with CD licence plates, Philippines social legislation private servants, Philippines social legislation local staff (service), EU social legislation private servants, EU social legislation career civil servants, Third party insurance (vehicles and cycles), Issuance of Schengen visas; entry into, exit from and travel within the Schengen area, Importation when initially moving to Switzerland of items of furniture, household goods and equipment for official and personal use, Importation of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and foodstuffs, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Consular Protection: providing support abroad, Social security for Swiss citizens abroad (SSA), Human Rights, Counter-Terrorism, IHL and Diplomatic Law, Office of the Ambassador-at-Large for the Application of International Humanitarian Law, Career 'Consular Affairs, Management and Finance', Development cooperation and humanitarian aid, Information and downloads for contractors and contribution recipients, Switzerlands policy on the European Union, Mission of Switzerland to the European Union, Swiss contribution to selected EU member states, Cross-border cooperation along the Swiss border, Cross-border government commissions and dialogue, Involvement of the cantons in foreign policy, Human rights in favour of peace and security, Human rights in favour of sustainable development, National human rights institution to be established in Switzerland, The search for missing persons and prevention of disappearances, New technologies, digitalisation and humanitarian data, Switzerlands foreign policy on migration, International cooperation on security matters, International legal bases for combating terrorism, International cooperation in the fight against terrorism, Due Process and Respect for Human Rights in UN Counter-Terrorism Sanctions, Principles and objectives of Swiss disarmament policy, The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), Nuclear disarmament the road to global zero, Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), Weapon delivery systems and space security, Conventional arms control and confidence-building in Europe, International organizations in Switzerland, Switzerland's presence in international organisations, Swiss representations to international organizations, Mission to the UN and to the other international organizations in Geneva, Mission to the UN and to the other international organizations in Vienna, International Human Rights Conventions of the United Nations, Development cooperation and humanitarian aid from the UN, Speeches and statements made by Switzerland to the UN, Representation of Switzerland to the Council of Europe, Traineeship at the Permanent Representation, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Delegation of Switzerland to the OECD in Paris, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the European Economic Area (EEA), Permanent Mission of Switzerland to NATO in Brussels, International Organisation of the Francophonie, Switzerland in the International organization of La Francophonie, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Information materials and promotional products, Protected site Corporate Design Communication abroad, Respect and promotion of international law, The relationship between national and international law, The recognition of states and governments, Credit for promotion of international law, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, Switzerlands commitment as a state party to the Geneva Conventions, The Interdepartmental Committee for International Humanitarian Law, Voluntary report on the implementation of international humanitarian law, International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission, Participating States of the Montreux Document, Convention de Genve pour l'amlioration du sort des blesss et des malades dans les forces armes en campagne, Convention de Genve pour l'amlioration du sort des blesss, des malades et des naufrags des forces armes sur mer, Convention de Genve relative au traitement des prisonniers de guerre, Convention de Genve relative la protection des personnes civiles en temps de guerre, Protocole additionnel aux Conventions de Genve du 12 aot 1949 relatif la protection des victimes des conflits arms internationaux (Protocole I), Protocole additionnel aux Conventions de Genve du 12 aot 1949 relatif la protection des victimes des conflits arms non internationaux (Protocole II), Protocole additionnel aux Conventions de Genve du 12 aot 1949 relatif ladoption dun signe distinctif additionnel (Protocole III), Notifications du dpositaire, communes aux Conventions de Genve et aux Protocoles additionnels, Convention de Berne pour la protection des oeuvres littraires et artistiques (Rome 1928), Convention de Berne pour la protection des oeuvres littraires et artistiques (Bruxelles 1948), Convention d'Union de Paris pour la protection de la proprit industrielle (La Haye 1925), Convention d'Union de Paris pour la protection de la proprit industrielle (Londres 1934), Convention de Paris pour la protection de la proprit industrielle (Lisbonne 1958), Arrangement de Madrid concernant la rpression des fausses indications de provenance sur les marchandises (La Haye 1925), Arrangement de Madrid concernant la rpression des fausses indications de provenance sur les marchandises (Londres 1934), Arrangement de Madrid concernant la rpression des indications de provenance fausses ou fallacieuses (Lisbonne 1958), Arrangement de Nice concernant la classification internationale des produits et des services auxquels s'appliquent les marques de fabrique ou de commerce, Arrangement de Locarno instituant une classification internationale pour les dessins et modles industriels, Arrangement de La Haye concernant le dpt international des dessins ou modles industriels (Londres 1934), Acte additionnel l'Arrangement de La Haye concernant le dpt international des dessins ou modles industriels rvis Londres, Arrangement de Lisbonne concernant la protection des appellations d'origine et leur enregistrement international, Convention internationale pour la protection des obtentions vgtales, Acte additionnel portant modification de la Convention internationale pour la protection des obtentions vgtales, Convention relative la dlivrance d'un certificat de nationalit, Convention relative la reconnaissance des dcisions constatant un changement de sexe, Convention relative la communication internationale par voie lectronique, Convention sur la reconnaissance des noms, Convention sur la reconnaissance des partenariats enregistrs, Convention sur l'utilisation de la Plateforme de la Commission internationale de l'tat civil de communication internationale de donnes d'tat civil par voie lectronique, Convention relative la dlivrance dextraits et de certificats plurilingues et cods dactes de ltat civil, Conventions de la Commission internationale de l'Etat civil (CIEC) - Notifications du dpositaire, Protocole relatif la Commission internationale de l'tat civil, Protocole additionnel au Protocole du 25 septembre 1950 relatif la Commission internationale de l'tat civil, Convention relative la dlivrance de certains extraits d'actes de l'tat civil destins l'tranger, Convention relative la dlivrance gratuite et la dispense de lgalisation des expditions d'actes de l'tat civil, Convention concernant l'change international d'informations en matire d'tat civil, Convention relative aux changements de noms et de prnoms, Convention portant extension de la comptence des autorits qualifies pour recevoir les reconnaissances d'enfants naturels, Convention relative l'tablissement de la filiation maternelle des enfants naturels, Convention tendant faciliter la clbration des mariages l'tranger, Convention concernant l'change d'informations en matire d'acquisition de nationalit, Convention relative aux dcisions de rectification d'actes de l'tat civil, Convention relative la constatation de certains dcs, Convention sur la reconnaissance des dcisions relatives au lien conjugal, Convention sur la lgitimation par mariage, Convention tendant rduire le nombre des cas d'apatridie, Convention relative l'indication des noms et prnoms dans les registres de l'tat civil, Convention crant un livret de famille international, Convention relative la dlivrance d'extraits plurilingues d'actes de l'tat civil, Convention portant dispense de lgalisation pour certains actes et documents, Convention relative la reconnaissance volontaire des enfants ns hors mariage, Convention sur la loi applicable aux noms et prnoms, Convention relative la dlivrance d'un certificat de capacit matrimoniale, Convention relative la dlivrance d'un certificat de diversit de noms de famille, Convention relative la coopration internationale en matire d'aide administrative aux rfugis, Protocole additionnel la Convention du 4 septembre 1958 concernant l'change international d'informations en matire d'tat civil, Convention relative la reconnaissance et la mise jour des livrets d'tat civil, Convention relative au codage des nonciations figurant dans les documents d'tat civil, Convention relative la dlivrance d'un certificat de vie, Convention relative la protection du Rhin contre la pollution par les chlorures, Protocole additionnel la Convention du 3 dcembre 1976 relative la protection du Rhin contre la pollution par les chlorures, Convention relative la protection du Rhin - Notifications du dpositaire, Convention sur le commerce international des espces de faune et de flore sauvages menaces d'extinction, Amendement la Convention sur le commerce international des espces de faune et de flore sauvages menaces d'extinction, Convention internationale sur l'interdiction du travail de nuit des femmes employes dans l'industrie, Convention relative la constitution d'"Eurofima", Socit europenne pour le financement de matriel ferroviaire, et Protocole additionnel, Convention internationale sur l'interdiction de l'emploi du phosphore blanc (jaune) dans l'industrie des allumettes, Convention concernant la rglementation des prlvements d'eau oprs dans le lac de Constance, Accord instituant la Confrence europenne de biologie molculaire, Accord instituant le Laboratoire europen de biologie molculaire, Convention sur la reprsentation en matire de vente internationale de marchandises, Convention portant cration d'une Organisation europenne pour l'exploitation de satellites mtorologiques, Protocole relatif aux privilges et immunits de l'Organisation europenne pour l'exploitation de satellites mtorologiques, Convention concernant la comptence judiciaire et l'excution des dcisions en matire civile et commerciale, Convention concernant la comptence judiciaire, la reconnaissance et l'excution des dcisions en matire civile et commerciale, Accord portant cration de l'Institut International de Recherche sur l'Elevage, Accord instituant l'Agence de coopration et d'information pour le commerce international en tant qu'organisation intergouvernementale, Accord sur linvestissement entre la Rpublique de Core, la Rpublique dIslande, la Principaut du Liechtenstein et la Confdration suisse, Accord agricole entre les Etats de la SACU et la Suisse, Public international law in our daily lives, Asset Recovery in cases of foreign politically exposed persons (PEPs), Switzerlands commitment at the international level, Sustainability, environment, energy, health, education, science, transports and space, Fighting money laundering and terrorist financing, Interdepartmental Working Group on Combating Corruption, Combating corruption through development cooperation, Mandate of the Interdepartmental Working Group on Combating Corruption, United Nations Convention Against Corruption, Korea, Democratic People's Republic (North), Occupied Palestinian territory (comprises the West Bank, including East-Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip), Risk of kidnapping in the Sahara and Sahel region, Preparations for a stay abroad, emigration and repatriation, Online desk for Swiss nationals residing abroad, Registration, deregistration and change of address, Social security for Swiss citizens abroad, SwissInTouch the app for the Swiss community abroad, Rights and obligations of Swiss nationals abroad, The Organisation of the Swiss Abroad SwissCommunity, Notification system for residents' register offices, Information regarding entry into Switzerland and residence, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), International Police Missions of Switzerland. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Embassy of Switzerland Nyaya Marg, Chanakyapuri New Delhi - 110021. List of development aid agencies - Wikipedia Call for proposals for SOR4D programme +41 31 350 53 53 Marie Sandkorn Verlag, Basel 2005. It fosters economic self-reliance and state autonomy, contributes to the improvement of production conditions, helps address environmental problems, and . Glassdoor gives you an inside look at what it's like to work at Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, including salaries, reviews, office photos, and more. Theeleven principlesdeveloped by the Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE) serve as reference framework. Ka Schuppisser: Das Engagement der Privatwirtschaft in der Entwicklungshilfe. Development Co-operation Profiles - Switzerland - OECD iLibrary Swisscontact supports practical vocational training by: Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are the largest employers in developing countries as well. The pool contains experts in: marketing and management consulting, electrical, civil and mechanical engineering, hotel and tourism services, food engineering, education, medical and health care services, agronomy and forestry engineering, construction and other specialized fields.[16]. Swiss Development Agency (SDA) | CCARDESA Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more. Die Grndung der Schweizerischen Stiftung fr technische Entwicklungshilfe 1956-1959 und ihre Konflikte mit dem Monopolanspruch des Schweizerischen Hilfswerks fr 148 aussereuropische Gebiete (SHAG), in: Hug, Peter/Mesmer, Beatrix (Hg. Band T. Tuesday September 14, 2021. Swiss aid gives $4.6M for farmers. Labor market insertion: This includes instruments like counseling, placement services, work programmes, employment incentives, internships, occupational and life skills training, start-up incentives. Its members are supporting SMEs in developing and transition countries in solving technical and operational problems on a voluntary basis. It is meant to foster economic self-reliance and state autonomy, to contribute to the improvement of production conditions, to help in finding solutions to environmental problems, and to provide better access to education and basic healthcare services.

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swiss agency for development and cooperation email address

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