For the non-resonant B+K+e+e decays, the systematic uncertainties are dominated by the modelling of the signal and background components used in the fit. Aaij, R. et al. Lett. Internet Explorer). Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate the slides or the slide controller buttons at the end to navigate through each slide. D 69, 074020 (2004). Background from other exclusive B-hadron decays requires at least two particles to be misidentified. High. Correspondence to Eur. D 96, 093006 (2017). Hurth, T., Mahmoudi, F. & Neshatpour, S. Implications of the new LHCb angular analysis of BK*+: hadronic effects or new physics? Lett. However, it is clear that the model is incomplete. Similarly, the differing q2 resolution between data and simulation, which alters estimates of the q2 migration, has negligible impact on the result. C 80, 252 (2020). & Atwood, D. Rate difference between bs+ and bse+e in supersymmetry with large tan . Phys. A. 24, 01025 (2020). 331, 032023 (2011). In the electron minimum pT spectra, the structure at 2800 MeV/c is related to the trigger threshold. For the electron modes, a wider mass region is needed to perform an accurate fit, but the range chosen suppresses any significant contribution from decays with two or more additional pions that are not reconstructed. 2006, 026 (2006). The theory predicts that the different charged leptons, the electron, muon and tau, have . These fractions are observed to agree well with those observed in resonant events selected from the data. 2). Rev. In both cases, for both signal and background, the efficiency of the BDT selection has negligible dependence on m(K++) and q2 in the regions used to determine the event yields. Particle Physics (4th ed. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the articles Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. PHOTOS interface in C++: technical and physics documentation. Whenever B+J/(+)K+ events are used to correct the simulation, the correlations between calibration and measurement samples are taken into account in the results and cross-checks presented in this paper. B The residual contribution from such decays is considered as a source of systematic uncertainty. The resulting variations are typically at the permille level and hence well within the estimated systematic uncertainty on RK. Improved lepton universality measurements show agreement with the Measurable quantities can be predicted precisely in the decays of a charged beauty hadron, B +, into a charged kaon, K +, and two charged leptons, + . C 79, 719 (2019). Lett. As a result, the different lepton types should be created equally often in particle transformations, or "decays", once differences in their mass are accounted for. The first decay involves the electron and the second the muon, another elementary particle similar to the electron but approximately 200 times heavier. We acknowledge support from CERN and from the national agencies: CAPES, CNPq, FAPERJ and FINEP (Brazil); MOST and NSFC (China); CNRS/IN2P3 (France); BMBF, DFG and MPG (Germany); INFN (Italy); NWO (Netherlands); MNiSW and NCN (Poland); MEN/IFA (Romania); MSHE (Russia); MICINN (Spain); SNSF and SER (Switzerland); NASU (Ukraine); STFC (United Kingdom); DOE NP and NSF (United States). Theor. J. Reassessing the discovery potential of the BK*+ decays in the large-recoil region: SM challenges and BSM opportunities. Lett. 178, 852867 (2008). The shape of the B+J/+ background contribution is taken from simulation, but the size with respect to the B+J/K+ mode is constrained using the known ratio of the relevant branching fractions2,94 and efficiencies. 12, 131 (2014). Ratio between the likelihood value (L) and that found by the fit (\({L}_{\max }\)) as a function of RK. The distribution of this ratio as a function of the angle between the leptons and the minimum pT of the leptons is shown in Extended Data Fig. The decay process involves the conversion of a beauty quark into a strange quark with the production of an electron and antielectron or a muon and antimuon. The distributions of the B+ transverse momentum (pT, left) and the ratio rJ/ (right) relative to its average value \(< {r}_{J/\psi } >\) as a function of pT. LHCb collaboration et al. A test statistic is constructed that is based on the likelihood ratio between two hypotheses with common (null) or different (test) RK values for the part of the sample analysed previously (7, 8 and part of the 13TeV data) and for the new portion of the 13TeV data. B 118, 031802 (2017). J. Nucl. J. The calibration samples consist of D*+D0(K+)+, J/+ and B+J/(e+e)K+ decays, from which kaons, muons and electrons, respectively, can be selected without applying particle identification requirements. A. Monroy&J. Tension with the SM is also seen in the combination of several ratios that test lepton universality in \(\overline{b}\to \overline{c}{\ell }^{+}{\nu }_{\ell }\) transitions55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63. LHCb collaboration et al. Energy Phys. Geant4 developments and applications, IEEE Trans. & Virto, J. Assessing lepton-flavour non-universality from BK* angular analyses. B 753, 424448 (2016). 2017, 36 (2017). The fits to the non-resonant (resonant) decay modes in different data-taking periods and trigger categories are shown in Extended Data Fig. 14, P11023 (2019). Exp. The authors declare no competing interests. 2016, 104 (2016). In addition to the process discussed above, the K++ final state is produced via a \({B}^{+}\to {X}_{q\overline{q}}{K}^{+}\) decay, where \({X}_{q\overline{q}}\) is a bound state (meson) such as the J/. An uncertainty comparable to that from the modelling of the signal and background components is induced by the limited sizes of calibration samples. High. Rev. Sjstrand, T., Mrenna, S. & Skands, P. PYTHIA 6.4 physics and manual. D 93, 052015 (2016). Background originates from particles selected from multiple hadron decays, referred to as combinatorial background, and from specific decays of B hadrons. The LHCb collaboration et al. LHCb collaboration et al. Phys. The data were recorded during 2011, 2012 and 20152018 with centre-of-mass energy of the collisions of 7, 8 and 13TeV and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 9fb1. Today at the Rencontres de Moriond EW conference, the LHCb Collaboration presented an updated measurement of the ratio R K, an important test of a principle of the Standard Model of particle physics known as " lepton universality ", which states that the Standard Model treats the three charged leptons (electrons, muons and . Instrum. D 88, 032007 (2013). LHCb is a specialized b-physicsexperiment, designed primarily to measure the parameters of CP violationin the interactions of b-hadrons(heavy particles containing a bottom quark). Other explanations of the data involve a variety of extensions to the SM, such as supersymmetry, extended Higgsboson sectors and models with extra dimensions. Test of lepton universality in beauty-quark decays Rev. Rev. Phys. Rev. The trigger response is corrected using weights applied to simulation as a function of variables relevant to the trigger algorithms. 120, 121801 (2018). The invariant mass of the final state particles, m(K++), is used to discriminate between signal and background contributions, with the signal expected to accumulate around the known mass of the B+ meson. Energy Phys. J. The efficiency of the non-resonant B+K+e+e decay therefore needs to be known only relative to that of the resonant B+J/(e+e)K+ decay, rather than relative to the B+K++ decay. The correlation is evaluated using a bootstrapping method to recompute the yields and efficiencies many times with different subsets of the data. $$\overline B_{\mathrm{s}}^0$$ PDF Test of lepton universality in beauty-quark decays - arXiv Energy Phys. Energy Phys. Hint of lepton flavour non-universality in B meson decays. Conf. Uncertainties on the data points are statistical only and represent one standard deviation. The expected values from simulated events are used to constrain the fraction of signal decays in each of these categories. The green and purple components correspond to candidates with \({q}_{{{{\rm{t}}}}rue}^{2} > 6.0\) GeV 2/c4 and \({q}_{{{{\rm{t}}}}rue}^{2} < 1.1\) GeV 2/c4, respectively. In summary, in the dilepton mass-squared region 1.1
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